A Warrior's Legacy
be raised in peace not known by their
    Zalisha whispered, “Oh God let it be so!”
She whispered into the ground overcome by the promise of the
Creator’s words for her people.
    “Zalisha now hear the warning I give you of
what will happen if your people do not heed My words. The remaining
habitations of your people will become a wasteland like the lost
cities where only the wolves roam and there is no clean thing found
within. There will not be one man left alive of your people’s
lineage if your people fail to heed My words and forsake their
idols and wicked ways. Now go and do not tarry in accomplishing the
task that I have set before you as the day is fast
    Incredulously Zalisha felt the ground role
under her and the sun six hours earlier than it should have crested
the distant horizon. The column of flame disappeared back into the
cloud, which in turn dissipated until there was just clear blue sky
    Zalisha pushed off from the ground to stand
and then surprised by the painless action she looked at her hand.
The cut marks and the infection caused by the poison were gone!
    There was no trace of the injury ever having
occurred to her. That wasn’t all that was different. A strand of
her hair was laying across the front of her shoulder, it was white
as snow!
    She looked at the risen sun and remembered
the weight of her task for her people and she strode out of the
garden and back towards the inward dwelling of the temple hill
quickly. A man stood in her way. It was General Lasho.
    As she drew near he knelt down before her,
but she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back up and looked
deeply into his fearful eyes, “General Lasho as you have forever
been my father’s friend then be one to me now!”
    His old eyes regarded her as he gave a curt
nod, “Forever my Princess! What are your orders?”
    “Gather the people! All of the people! The
rich, the poor, the soldiers, the slaves, the children, the
elderly, even the dying and gather them together in the fields so
that I might talk with all our people at one time. You must do this
with all speed and singularity of purpose! Now go!”
    The crowd parted before her as she made her
way through. The sound of the people was loud as they discussed
everything that was happening.
    The crowd grew quieter as they caught sight
of the high priestess mounting the platform in the midst of her
people. General Lasho caught her before she was all the way up.
    “How are you going to speak to so many
people clearly that they can hear you?”
    “I will do what I can. It’s up to the
Creator of the universe to do what I can’t.”
    Puzzled he watched her go. Zalisha stood at
the railing of the platform and faced her people.
    “My people I have called you here today to
tell you a truth!”
    The sound of her own voice shocked her, but
she continued. The great crowd gathered before her were suddenly as
quiet as the grave, as each of them had heard her voice, as if she
had been standing beside them.
    “We have believed a lie! All of us have
believed it, even worshiped it. We have worshiped gods made of our
own hands that neither speak or think for themselves. We have
denied the Creator of us all the homage that He alone deserves as
the one true Creator of all life. The Creator appeared to me in the
night out of the column of fire that many of you saw with your own
eyes. He told me of the error of our people and He told me what
would befall our people if we continue down our current path of
misbegotten worship to idols that can not save us. Our remaining
city will become as the lost city of Lancosa! Dead and lifeless
will our people be if we do not heed the Creator’s words. Not one
of us will survive!”
    The crowd muttered fearfully among
    “He also told me what would happen though if
we forsook our false gods and the traditions of our culture that
have enslaved our people for generations. He will heal our land and
our people. Even as

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