And Then She Killed Him

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Book: Read And Then She Killed Him for Free Online
Authors: Robert Scott
Tags: General, Romance, True Crime
white pickup with maybe a camper-type top. His assistant has a little black pickup truck.”
    Norris wanted to know, “How many bank accounts are there?”
    Miriam replied, “There’s a bank account at American National Bank. And a bank account for Dance Junction. I have a dance studio downtown.”
    Detective Jarrell was surprised by this and said, “Oh, ballroom dancing?”
    Miriam responded, “Yes. It’s more than we can handle.”
    For some reason, either the mention of bank accounts or Dance Junction made Miriam agitated. She began rocking back and forth in her chair. At one point, it almost looked as if she was ready to stand up.
    Norris continued, “Is that a joint account?”
    Miriam answered, “No, just in Alan’s name.”
    Jarrell questioned, “Did you have any financial documents in the house? Something where someone could steal personal information?”
    Miriam said, “No. He tried to keep it bare bones at home. He didn’t like to manage too many accounts.” And once again, she said that their money was in “dirt.”
    Norris asked, “The credit cards were just in his name?”
    “Yes. And I was very happy with that. He took very good care of me.” Miriam looked directly at Bev Jarrell when she said this, although Norris had asked the question. Miriam added, “I’m gonna start taking quarters out of the car, because all the money was in his name.”
    Jarrell wanted to know, “Even though you had a prenup, you guys didn’t think of taking out a life insurance policy?”
    Miriam answered, “No. We didn’t expect anything to happen. All we had was health insurance.” And then Miriam said that there was a life insurance policy, but that was only to pay off creditors, should Alan die unexpectedly. Miriam related, “He was going to get another life insurance policy, but his blood pressure would never come down. He had to wait for his blood pressure to come down, or at his age he would have had to pay astronomically for that policy.”
    Regarding the one insurance policy Alan had, Miriam reiterated, “I think it was for one hundred thousand dollars and that’s to pay off creditors and anything like that.” Then she seemed to know a little more about his business expenses than she first indicated. Miriam told the detectives that Alan owed $275,000 to investors on one set of loans, and $140,000 on a bank note. As far as how much money he had in the bank, she thought he had $100,000.
    Jarrell said, “Describe the little firearm you talked about earlier.”
    Miriam responded, “Um, he had it in a little bag.”
    “Did you ever handle it?”
    “I did. But I never could pull the little . . .” She didn’t know the word.
    Jarrell added, “Did it have a slide on it?”
    That was the word Miriam was looking for. She said, “Yes.”
    Jarrell stated, “Understand, Miriam, we’re looking for things out of place.”
    Detective Jarrell had Miriam go over the timeline of her travels once again. Once she was done with that, Norris asked, “We talked briefly about what you first saw. You need to be very detailed about this.”
    As Miriam related what she had seen, she became more and more teary in her conversation. Often it was punctuated by small sobs. Miriam said, “I saw him on the floor and thought he had a heart attack or stroke or something. I put my hands on his chest to kind of shake him and wake him up. I patted him on the side of the face. I saw that he had blood coming out of his nose. I got my phone and called 911.” At this point, Miriam broke down crying. When she could speak again, she said, “The operator told me to give him CPR. Empty his mouth and nose and do chest compressions. I turned his head . . . and . . .” Miriam completely broke down then.
    Jarrell asked, “Are you going to be sick? Do you want me to get a trash can that you can use?”
    Miriam nodded her head that she did.
    Jarrell brought a wastepaper basket into the room and placed it near Miriam’s chair. Miriam

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