Blue Skies on Fire

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Book: Read Blue Skies on Fire for Free Online
Authors: Zenina Masters
Tags: Fantasy, Paranormal, Magic, Adult, Erotic Romance, fey, Shapehsifter
chest. “For me, it is a dimension and a galaxy away from normal.”
    Andor wrapped his arms around her, and they began to move with purpose around the dance floor. “Then, I had better help ease you into the new normal, just for tonight.”

Chapter Six
    They danced until her feet ached and her throat was dry. Spike had another beverage waiting for her of the non-alcoholic variety.
    Andor kept his arm around her while she drank the fruit juice. When she had had a glass of juice and another of water, he offered to take her for a walk in the moonlight.
    “That is quite the offer. Would you like to roam the shifter grounds, or did you want to see the new grounds that are coming into being?”
    “I would like to walk the new lands with you.”
    She grinned. “Good. I have never tried this with another person.”
    “That sounds intriguing.” Andor kept his arm around her as they walked out into the night.
    “Hold tight.”
    Mist surrounded their feet, and they levitated, moving higher and out toward the edge of the Crossroads and into the new lands beyond.
    She took them to the new freshwater lake near the cascading falls.
    When the mist disappeared, Andor looked around. “That was definitely interesting. I normally fly myself.”
    She cocked her head and smiled. “I am guessing that you are the phoenix.”
    Andor paused. “How did you work that out?”
    “When we first touched, there was fire. That was all you. Your icon was a wing on fire. That was a giveaway. There have been a bunch of clues that include your age. There is only ever one phoenix at a time, but I have never heard of it being male before.”
    He sighed, stepped away from her, and his clothing and body erupted into flames.
    Teebie watched him as his body shifted into that of a bird surrounded by fire. He launched himself into the air, and he beat a slow circle around her, trailing fire in his wake.
    Teebie crafted a blanket out of the nearby stone, and she lay down, watching him fly. It was lovely.
    When he landed next to her, he changed into a very naked man and leaned over her, his body inches from hers.
    “So, do you like my beast?”
    Teebie threaded her fingers through his hair, smiling at the golden silk. “I think all of your beast forms are lovely.”
    He grinned and brushed his lips across hers. The smiles were forgotten as they linked together, and he moved to cover her, blotting out the moon and stars.
    Teebie sighed at the heat from his limbs. He was warm, and she loved to be warm. She arched her back to rub her breasts against his chest, and he shifted to slide an arm between them, palming each in turn.
    The silk of her dress was caught up between them. One of his thighs slid between hers, and she jerked at the sudden heat and dampness between her thighs.
    Things moved quickly, and when his hand moved under her skirt, her nerve broke. Teebie turned to vapour and misted back into solid form a few feet away.
    Andor was dazed, and a puzzled frown overtook him as he looked down at where she had been.
    “I think this was a mistake.” She checked her clothing to make sure it was where it was supposed to be, and she dressed him with a flick of her fingers.
    Andor got to his feet, and she could see he was trying to come up with something to say.
    “Why is it a mistake?” His voice was low and husky.
    Teebie shivered. “I... you... I can’t do this just for one night. It was a fun thought, but I am not going to rejoice when you find your mate and leave. I think if we continued, that moment would be unbearable.”
    Andor took a few steps toward her, but she backed up. He stopped. “What if I agreed to come and remain here at the Crossroads?”
    “You can’t. You have a place in the human world.” She stuck out her jaw.
    “I have the place my parents have given me. There is no set of duties that I must carry out. With my father rising, I have no responsibilities at all. There is nothing to tie me there.”
    Teebie blinked.

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