Booby Trapped and Baby Proofed

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Book: Read Booby Trapped and Baby Proofed for Free Online
Authors: Imari Jade
    “It’s in better shape than I expected,” he said. “The roof needs a little work and the plumbing can use an over-haul since it’s lay dormant so long. I’ve hired a couple of contractors to fix it up because I’m planning on opening it up next month.”
    “So soon?” Angel asked.
    Harrison nodded. “I have to earn a living and plan a future.”
    “Well at least you have a guaranteed retirement check every month. That should take care of your mortgage.”
    “I don’t have a mortgage. I paid cash for the place. I wanted a home for me and Ethan and I didn’t want to saddle him with a mortgage hanging over his head if something happened to me.”
    “A smart move,” Angel said. “I own my place too. We took out a fifteen year mortgage, but I made sure I paid it off before I opened the nursery.”
    “See, we have a lot in common. We both love kids, banana splits, and we’re financially smart.”
    “So, this is what dating is like?” Angel said as they got into the car.
    “It gets better,” Harrison said, starting up the car and driving toward the day care. “I give a mean foot massage.”
    Angel looked down at her feet. “My feet have been neglected a lot lately. They haven’t been rubbed in nearly two years.”
    “Well, I guess I’ll have to remedy that later once Ethan goes to bed. Are you partial to any special flavored massage oils?”
    “Ooh,” Angel said. “You’re pulling out the heavy artillery.”
    “You forget that weapons are my specialty. I’m also trained in hand-to-hand combat.”
    “You better be good in the sack,” she told him.
    Harrison laughed, because he hadn’t expected the prim and proper young woman to utter such a delightful sentence. “I get you. Straight and to the point. I used to be great, but I might be a little rusty since I’ve been celibate over two years.”
    “Me too,” she said. “But I think it’s like riding a horse.”
    Harrison smiled at her. “Have you ever ridden a horse?”
    “Does a carousel count?”
    “So you like to be on top, is that what you’re telling me? That can be arranged.” Okay, they were definitely having sex later. Harrison parked in the day care parking lot and both he and Angel got out and walked inside. Apparently, she didn’t care that the other employees would see them together. They lived in a small community and an interracial couple would certainly be the topic of conversation.
    Ethan’s eyes lit up when he saw them and he toddled over to Angel. “Up,” he said.
    Angel picked up the tall two-year-old.
    Ethan wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a big, wet kiss on the cheek.
    “I think he likes you,” Harrison said. “He hasn’t even bothered to acknowledge my presence.”
    “Wait until he’s a teen and he ignores you completely,” Angel kidded.
    Harrison paid the teacher for the after hours care and got Ethan’s things. A couple of minutes later, they were back in his car and heading for home.
    Harrison would have to thank the teacher for keeping Ethan up because he was out like a light by nine, sleeping in his new toddler bed. Bunny lay in his arms to ward off the monsters.
    “He’s so adorable,” Angel said, looking down on the sleeping child. “And all the teachers love him.”
    “He is pretty cute,” Harrison said, taking her hand and leading her out of Ethan’s room and into his.
    “That was a pretty smooth move,” Angel said, closing the door.
    Harrison put on some music and pulled her into his arms for a dance.
    “Ooh, this is nice,” she said. “I haven’t been dancing in a long time.”
    “This is not dancing,” Harrison told her. “This is foreplay.”
    Angel giggled.
    “I don’t believe in wasting time. I’ve had a perpetual hard-on since I saw you picking up your morning newspaper on the day I moved in.”
    “You saw me?” Angel asked as he danced her over to the bed.
    He nodded. “You looked quite sexy in your shorts and holding that cup of coffee.” He

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