Deadly Gamble: The First Charlie Parker Mystery
together a
picture that leads to him sitting in his car in the driveway at
nine that night."
    "Absolutely not." Her voice rose four notes.
"I had nothing whatsoever to do with the man after he took my
    "Okay, okay." I patted the tablecloth near
her hand. "I just have to ask the questions. Stacy, where were you
at nine o'clock on Wednesday?"
    "Charlie!" A couple of heads turned, and she
lowered her voice immediately. "What are you getting at?"
    "Stacy, you better face facts. The police
might be asking that very question if they ever make the connection
with you. You better be ready with an answer."
    She chewed at her salad slowly before
speaking again. "That was the night Brad got home from his business
trip. I picked him up at the airport. The flight came in at
nine-thirty. That's where I was."
    I fixed a long look on her. I wanted to
believe her, but it was entirely possible for a person to be at
Detweiller's house at nine, then beat it to the airport by
nine-thirty to meet a plane. She sat up very straight and returned
my stare.
    "Charlie, I'm telling you, I was at the
    "Okay." I let it drop. We ate in silence for
a few minutes before changing the subject. When I dropped her off
at her house thirty minutes later, I couldn't resist adding one
more word of caution.
    "Stacy, if you have any proof at all to back
up your airport story, I suggest you get it ready. I have a feeling
the police are going to want to see it."
    I glanced back in my rearview mirror as I
pulled out of her circular drive. She stood on the front porch,
glued to the spot, her face pale.

    Chapter 5

    At the intersection of Academy and Wyoming, I
pulled into a grocery store parking lot. Pulling my yellow sheet of
notes from my purse, I reviewed the names I'd compiled this
morning. According to my city map, two of the addresses were in the
Tanoan Community. I headed east on Academy once more. This time the
guard waved me right on through with a little salute, like I was a
resident. I found the address for Charles Tompkins with no trouble.
The house looked like an elder sibling of Stacy's place. Obviously
they'd come from the same gene pool. The place looked deserted and
the cascade of pealing chimes brought no one. I got the same
non-response at the second address I tried.
    Still only two o'clock. I didn't particularly
feel like sitting around another three or four hours until the
residents came home. Plus, I imagined anyone sitting in a car in
this neighborhood, day or night, would attract attention from the
roving patrol I'd seen cruising the area.
    Detweiller's place was sort of on my way back
to the office, so I thought I'd see if I could catch Josh
Detweiller at home. I got half-lucky. His mother's car was also in
the drive. Jean was sure to question me more closely if I showed up
twice in two days. That wouldn't do. I cruised past the place and
stopped about four houses away. Rearview mirror surveillance is
neither easy nor inconspicuous, requiring a person to keep their
head and neck in one position for hours. After about twenty minutes
I decided I had to turn around. I started the Jeep and drove to the
next driveway where I could make a turn. Just as I was getting
positioned again, this time facing the correct way down the street,
I noticed activity at the Detweiller house.
    Jean Detweiller emerged from the front door,
turning to speak back to it. Last minute instructions for Josh, I
imagined. She proceeded toward her car, rummaging in her purse and
not paying much attention to anything else. She started the car,
gunning it loudly while a puff of gray smoke whoofed from the
tailpipe. The car clunked into gear with a jerk and she backed out
carefully, turning in my direction. I ducked down in my seat until
her car passed me, praying she didn't remember my vehicle from
    When the coast was clear I drove up to the
house, hoping Jean had left for work and not some quick errand.
Rock music thumped heavy bass clear out to the

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