Down to My Soul (Soul Series Book 2)

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Book: Read Down to My Soul (Soul Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Kennedy Ryan, Lisa Christmas
    “Do the Boston Pops interest you?”
    Hmmmm . . . She knows they do.
    “Whatchya got?” I give her the satisfaction of asking.
    “The Boston Pops called.”
    “Let me guess.” My interest starts waning. “They want me and Petra to bring our dancing bear act to Boston.”
    “Actually they just want you. As a guest pianist next season.” She pauses for effect, one brow lifted to provoke me. “Think you still got it, brother?”
    Something flickers inside of me that has lain dormant for a long time. I glance at the symphony orchestra piece I sketched onto the wall. That might be fun. That might interest me.
    “Let me think about it.”
    “Of course. I told them you’d need some time to consider.” Bristol pulls the hair hanging around my ears and scrapes at the scruff on my jaw. “Btdubs, you look like Grizzly Adams.”
    “You should have smelled him.” Jimmi offers her first natural smile since Showergate.
    “That’s what you get for sniffing under my piano.” I laugh a little, hoping the air will keep loosening between us.
    “True that.” Jimmi leans back and watches me for a minute before giving me a short nod. “It won’t happen again.”
    I guess that’s the closest she’ll come to conceding the point for now. Hopefully she won’t be naked and groping me in my shower any time soon.
    “So what’s the deal with you guys?” Bristol asks, predictably nosy. “You both have wet hair, and the vibe was all weird when I came in. So are my two megastar clients fighting, fucking, or both?”
    Jimmi and I exchange a quick look. Bristol is mulish. She won’t let up until we give her something.
    “Just a difference of opinion,” I say with a shrug.
    “About?” Bristol persists.
    See? Mule.
    “If you must know.” A speck of defiance returns to Jimmi’s eyes. “I was trying to convince Rhys that Kai has moved on.”
    “But you don’t believe it?” Bristol shifts enough to see my face clearly.
    “No, I don’t.” I shake my head. “Definitely not with Dub.”
    “Well, she said as much yesterday when she and Luke were on Morning Hype .”
    Calm the hell down, Gray.
    “Kai said she and Dub are together?” My voice somehow sounds strong, but it feels like little more than a breeze in my throat.
    Bristol just stares at me for a few elongated seconds like a beast toying with its food before taking the first bite.
    “Don’t lose a lung. She said the opposite, actually.” Bristol’s eyes never leave my face. “She said she and Dub are just friends. Who knows the truth?”
    I do. She’s not with that dude. She can’t be. It would break me in half to see her with someone else, especially knowing I’m the one who pushed her there.
    “They asked her about you, too.” Bristol says.
    We’re not your typical twins, all telepathically connected and shit, but Bristol knows me well enough to figure I’m not sure I want to hear Kai’s response. I nod for her to go ahead and tell it.
    “They asked if she’d spoken to you, and she said no.” Bristol laughs a little, something as close as she’ll come to admiration on her face. “They pressed her for more intel, but she didn’t budge. When they asked for a big secret of yours, she told them you like hummus.”
    I can’t help but chuckle. God, I miss my girl. I’d eat a bowlful of her hummus that tastes like butt if I could see her. Maybe she lied to the radio host and she is seeing Dub. I don’t know. Doesn’t matter. If she is seeing him, that shit ends as soon as she gets home. She’ll forgive me and we’ll go back to normal. We have to. That’s the only option.
    “You should listen to the whole thing online. Fascinating interview. She held her own.” Bristol’s smug smile gives me pause. “She also directed Qwest to reach out to me about working with Grip.”
    “But you’re not Marlon’s manager.” I lift one brow. “I wasn’t under the piano that long. You’re not repping him yet, are you?”
    “Ah, the

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