    “Oh…fuck…” She gasped when his teeth bit down at the same time his rigid cock pushed between her legs. He took her hard, thrusting deep while drawing fervently at her neck. She hadn’t even begun to come down from the second climax before he took her up yet again.
    Her pussy ached, throbbed and tingled all at once. Every thought in her mind vanished under his spell. His cock slid in and out while his sharp teeth remained latched onto her tender skin. Sucking her blood while fucking her madly—it was simply unreal.
    Clouds drifted past as if she were above them looking down from within a red sky, soaring through the universe in a strange and supernatural mist. She traveled beyond sexual pleasure into another realm of ecstasy. Her body responded to his once more in an explosive orgasm that nearly rendered her unconscious, as if she would swoon. She felt the rush of hot liquid from his cock fill her, warm her, sweep her away into paradise.
    Loud buzzing from the utility room woke them as they lay entwined in a lover’s embrace.
    “I’ll get those,” he whispered, slowly untangling their bodies. “You just lie here looking beautiful until I return with your clothes.”
    Rolling onto her stomach, Angel buried her face in his pillow, inhaling the lingering scent of her man and clinging to every moment of their mystical lovemaking.
    Her first day in Savaant’s domain on Dunalino Island had indeed been exciting. He’s right. She smiled with a contented sigh. It certainly can be a wild place.
    The way he made love to her was like beautiful art. Though she’d never known another man intimately, she had no doubt that any could compare to him. His skill as a lover mesmerized her—snowed her under with inconceivable pleasure. Surely she’d become addicted to him in every sense. Every breath she took lured her deeper into his charm. Each time his scent floated over her, whether from a light touch or his just walking by, it heightened her need to join with him. Simply breathing in the heady light musk aura from his clothes or bedding aroused her.
    She turned over and looked up when he breezed back into the bedroom wearing nothing. He is so gorgeous! The sudden urge to bite him—to swallow his blood—hit her like an unexpected tidal wave. She licked saliva from her lips, brushing a hand across her forehead to wipe her damp brow. Heat welled up inside, making her ache with an undeniable need that was more compelling than she’d ever felt it before. Is it because I’m in his home?
    * * * *
    He stopped abruptly upon observing her intense expression and physical indications. Dark blue eyes shimmered with desire. Moist luscious lips were slightly pouted and ready to suck his blood. Beads of sweat covered her satiny, ivory skin, making her virtually sparkle in the candle-lit room. Her body, barely concealed by a satin sheet, trembled with evident hunger. He felt her crushing urge—her need to bite.
    Their gazes locked for a silent exchange of thought. He laid the freshly cleaned clothes carefully at the foot of the bed, then swept her into his arms. Immediately her mouth went to his neck. She nipped and sucked, creating a tingling sensation that permeated his soul.
    “I’ve never felt this way.” He sighed heavily.
    “I want…I need to bite you. Please…”
    He could barely hold back. Her teeth grazing his neck, seeking a place to latch on, drove him mad with staggering arousal.
    “Please…Sav…” Her breathing had become ragged, signaling the rampant craving taking her down.
    The desperation in her voice made him realize she was about to lose control. He used every ounce of self-restraint to peel their bodies apart. His every nerve prickled as if tiny pins and needles were piercing his skin all over all at the same time.
    “No…” She clung to him, clutching his hair. “I can’t stop.” Her teeth found his neck and began to bite down as she locked a silky leg around his waist.
    Fire raced through his

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