First Evil

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Book: Read First Evil for Free Online
Authors: R.L. Stine
But that’s because they don’t know this special excitement, the special thrill of getting a huge crowd to forget itself and go wild.
    The cheer ended to raucous shouts and applause.
    Kimmy peered down the line of girls to see Corky and Bobbi do their special double cartwheel.
    Ugh, she thought bitterly. What showoffs. They really make me sick. With their blond hair and sweet, innocent faces. Always prancing around together, trying to make the rest of us look second rate. I could throw up. I really could.
    The echoing drums of the marching band brought Kimmy out of her dark thoughts.
    No, she decided. I’m not going to allow those two to ruin this day. I’m not going to give them another thought.
    Everyone stood and clapped along as the band played the Shadyside High marching song.
    I want only good memories of this pep rally, Kimmy thought, clapping as hard as she could. After all, the rally is in honor of us , in honor of how brave we were, in honor of how we survived that terrible night.
    The band ended its number to wild applause. Corky and Bobbi did their cartwheel again, and Kimmy forced herself not to react.
    The girls all turned to her to begin the next cheer routine.
    â€œLet’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. . . .”
    Kimmy’s eye caught Miss Green leaning against thewall of her office and clapping along with them, a big smile on her usually dour face.
    In a few minutes Miss Green will name me as the new captain, Kimmy thought. The thought sent a shiver of excitement down her back.
    It’s something I’ve wanted for so long. I’ve worked so hard for it, so hard.
    I’m not knockout beautiful like the other girls. I’m not tall and well built. I don’t have straight blond hair like the Corcorans or look like a movie star like . . . Jennifer.
    But I’m going to be captain. I’m finally going to be captain.
    She wished her parents could have been there to see it, to see the pep rally, to see their daughter, to see how exciting it all was. She had begged them to come. But, as usual, they claimed they couldn’t get away from their jobs.
    Just an excuse, Kimmy thought bitterly.
    Then forced those thoughts out of her mind. Nothing was going to spoil her day. Nothing.
    The routine ended. The band started up immediately. Kimmy turned toward the far side of the gym, and the other girls followed her lead.
    As the band finished its number, a deafening cheer went up as Jennifer wheeled herself out onto the floor. She was wearing a new uniform too, Kimmy saw. In her hand was a maroon and white pennant with her name embroidered on it, the pennant they had given her in the hospital.
    She waved it from her seat as she vigorouslywheeled herself across the gym. The applause grew and grew until Kimmy felt like covering her ears.
    Jennifer has been so brave during all this, Kimmy thought, staring at her in her wheelchair now lined up with the other cheerleaders.
    So brave and cheerful, even though she might never walk again.
    Even though her life was ruined.
    Kimmy wondered if she would have been so brave, so smiling, so . . . accepting.
    Of course, Jennifer had nearly died that night, Kimmy remembered. Everyone had thought she was dead. So in a way she was lucky, lucky just to be alive.
    But how could anyone consider being crippled, perhaps for life, lucky?
    Kimmy realized that the gym had grown silent. Jennifer had wheeled herself to a microphone and begun a short speech.
    â€œI’m not good at making speeches,” she was saying, her voice so weak and unsteady. “I’d much rather be cheering than talking!”
    Nervous laughter rolled down from the bleachers. One of the drummers in the band hit a rim shot.
    â€œI just want to say thank you to everyone at Shadyside High,” Jennifer continued, her voice breaking with sudden emotion. “You’ve all been so good to me . . . all my

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