Forget Me Knot

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Book: Read Forget Me Knot for Free Online
Authors: Lori King
his two massive hands and pulled her even tighter to him, sliding one thick thigh between hers. She couldn’t stop herself from grinding against the hard muscle, her already sensitive clit leading the way as she sought satisfaction.
    They battled for control, nipping, stroking, and suckling at each other’s mouths as if each was starving for the other. Lacy loved the way his big hands held her so easily in his grip refusing to let her move an inch away from where he wanted her. The silent power he wielded made her clench her thighs tighter around his leg as she enjoyed the pressure against her pussy. Higher and higher they both climbed in their desire to touch and taste each other, and just when Lacy had decided to throw caution to the wind and let him fuck her right there on the floor, a voice shattered the veil of passion around them.
    Marilyn was standing in the doorway with her back to them, attempting to get their attention while trying to give them privacy.
    “I’m so sorry, but dinner is on the table, and I would hate for it to get cold. Would you prefer I put it in the oven until uh..well…um…until you’re ready for it?”
    Drannon’s eyes sparkled with amusement, and he quirked that one damn eyebrow at Lacy again, to let her make the decision. She shook her head slightly, and pulled away from him. Marilyn had just rescued her from making a terrible mistake based on lust and not logic. She was grateful and irritated all at once.
    “No need Marilyn, we’ll be in shortly. Thank you.” Drannon spoke softly, and Lacy grew more irritated at the control he seemed to have over his own emotions. The passionate cowboy who was ready to ravage her a moment ago had disappeared in an instant, leaving behind Mr. Calm Cool & Collected in his place. “May I escort you to dinner, Lacy?”
    She frowned at him and glanced to the hallway to be sure Marilyn was gone before speaking. “That was a mistake, but mind you, it won’t happen again Drannon. I’m not here for a wild fling. In two weeks, I’ll be leaving, and I won’t leave my heart behind. Got it?”
    For just a moment, she thought he might argue. She was surprised by how much she wanted him to argue with her. Instead, he gave her a wicked smile that promised he wasn’t giving up that easily, and held his arm out. “You know, riding is a hands on experience. You’ll never learn the joy if you can’t relax and let yourself welcome the wild nature of it.”
    She gave him a glare that was met with loud masculine laughter as he led her in to dinner. In her heart, she knew she was already ankle deep in a puddle of trouble. Drannon Russo made her weak. His nearness seemed to set her body on fire with a fever that could only be cooled by his touch. How she was going to survive without getting burned was anyone’s guess.
    ~ ~ ~ ~
    Drannon’s heart was racing in his chest, and he could probably split wood with the erection in his pants. He’d never held a woman in his arms who made him feel so out of control. His ex-wife had turned him on, but it was in a younger, innocent way. The lustings of a teenager for the girl next door.
    Lacy, however, lit his fuse like a firecracker, and he nearly exploded too quickly. As disappointed as he was to hear that she felt guilty over their hot make-out session, he wasn’t about to let her brush him off that easily. What happened between the two of them was nothing short of epic, and it deserved his full attention.
    The moment they entered the dining room, the hair on the back of his neck rose, and he felt something primal stir in his chest. All of his brothers were already seated and the interest they focused on Lacy was more sexual than his inner caveman could tolerate.
    “Well, hello.” Roman jumped to his feet and stepped closer to Lacy. Too close for Drannon’s comfort. When she accepted Roman’s offered hand, and he pressed his lips to her knuckles, Drannon very nearly growled out loud. “I’m Roman Freemont,

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