Hamsikker: A Zombie Apocalypse Novel

Read Hamsikker: A Zombie Apocalypse Novel for Free Online

Book: Read Hamsikker: A Zombie Apocalypse Novel for Free Online
Authors: Russ Watts
artery, and warm blood spewed out. Javier was careful to keep most of it away from him. He didn’t relish being covered in blood. Human bodies could break so easily. Most of the undead died cleanly: no blood, no mess.
    Noah kicked, and gripped Javier’s waist, but the life was quickly slipping away from him. The boy hadn’t the energy to fight, and in just a few seconds, it was over. Javier carefully laid Noah on the ground, and wiped his knife clean before sheathing it.
    “Sleep well, boy.”
    Javier strode back to the bike and got on. He gripped the handlebars, and said nothing. Rose wrapped her arms around him, and let her head fall on his strong back. The bike started moving, and the zombies groaned almost as one as their prey left them. Rose watched them recede with the rest of the town, and began to wonder where they would end up next.
    As they passed Noah’s body, Javier looked into the boy’s lifeless eyes. He couldn’t afford to waste a bullet, and had tried to make it as painless as possible. The poor kid would’ve been dead before the week was out. Being eaten alive was no way to go. He had tried to prepare the boy too, as best he could. Javier was not a religious man, and prayers meant nothing to him. He had tried calling on God for help many times when he was younger, but there was never an answer. He hoped the story about Tucker had given the boy some sort of peace. Javier had never had a dog in truth. Who had the time to look after one when you barely had food for yourself? It seemed like the right thing to say at the time. Devoid of any knowledge of the Bible, it seemed like it was appropriate.
    Rose looked at Noah longingly. It had been so long since she had felt the life drain out of someone that she wished Noah had come along on the bike. She could’ve slit his throat while he slept, or seduced him and had some fun before she let him bleed out. Javier never let her have fun anymore. The blade in her boot was aching with the need to kill, and she didn’t know how much longer she could hold out. Taking down a zombie just wasn’t the same. It was already dead. Where was the fun in killing something already dead? She needed to feel the warm breath of a man on her face as she cut out his heart. She forced herself to forget about it, and held onto Javier’s waist. One day, Rose thought, Javier won’t be around, and then the time will come.
    The bike sped up and Jeffersontown was left behind. The sun rose higher illuminating the barren streets, and the zombies fell upon Noah’s body, devouring it quickly, leaving only scraps of clothing and his shoes behind. They sucked on his bones, wiping them clean, licking off every last inch of blood and tissue. When they were done there was nothing left, so they continued their meandering deadly sojourn down the streets of Jeffersontown, following the trail of the bike.

    “Kill the dead! Kill them all!” screamed Jonas. Saliva and rage flew from his mouth as he launched himself at the nearest zombie, the axe in his hand jarring sickeningly with bone. The zombie’s head neatly fell to the side leaving the decapitated corpse blundering about aimlessly before sinking to the floor. Jonas swung again, heaving the bloody axe from side to side, and sinking its delicious blade into arms and heads. There was no time to think about what he was doing. Within seconds, it had turned to chaos, and he had no idea who was safe and who wasn’t. All he could do was fight.
    Jonas turned to see who had cried out. It was Anna. She was locked in the embrace of a dead woman with the creature’s arms wrapped around her body. As Jonas turned to rush to Anna’s aid, the zombie sunk its teeth into the side of her face, tearing off a massive chunk of flesh. Anna howled in pain and Jonas could see the top row of teeth through the hole in her cheek. The zombie sunk its teeth into Anna again, and was quickly joined by another who bit Anna’s neck.

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