Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

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Book: Read Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1 for Free Online
Authors: Jaimie Roberts
Cassie. To what do we owe the pleasure? Or has someone finally managed to steal you away from us?”
    Daniel turned his head towards Stephen at the bar, making me blush. “It’s not like that. He asked me here and I said yes. Doesn’t mean anything, does it?”
    “ No, but I think you have had a number of requests to go out for drinks and you have always turned people down. What’s so special about him?”
    Oh , boy! “It’s not a date, Daniel. It’s a few drinks with colleagues. He told me that you would all be here, so that’s why I agreed. It’s not a date. It’s a drink.”
    They all start ed laughing and I’m left feeling rather embarrassed.
    “You’re so easy to tease. That was fun.” Daniel chuckled a little.
    I certainly wasn’t going to let him get away with that. “Yeah, and you’re a tosspot, Mr. Rutherford.”
    Hi s laughter abruptly halts and his stare was rather menacing. It was uncomfortable, to say the least.
    “I hope these guys aren’t causing you too much trouble , Twinkles.”
    Thank god!
    “Twinkles ?!” Scott bellowed. “He has a pet name for you? Isn’t that sweet?”
    They all start ed laughing again and I was left feeling a little pissed. I shouldn’t have come here.
    “Hey , guys, watch your tone. We have a lady present. Now keep it friendly.” Stephen glared, warning them he meant business. I was quite surprised that it seemed to work.
    “Yes, so rry.” Scott dipped his head a little. “I didn’t mean to offend. We were just playing.”
    T hanking Stephen for the drink, I swigged half of the contents down in one go. Stephen looked at me wide-eyed, but smiled.
    “So , Cass,” Terry began, “are you going to the CID thing tomorrow night?”
    I nodded , grateful at the change in subject. “Yep, both Kali and I are going.”
    “I see. Is anyone else going with you?” He glanced in Stephen’s direction.
    Oh shit, maybe not .
    “No,” I blurted. “Kali and I are going together.”
    Placing the glass to my lips, I take another swig of my drink and let the pleasant warmth wash over me. I noticed that Stephen was edging closer.
    Positioning his arm around my chair, he leaned in, suddenly very intimate, making my pulse react.
    The guys start ed talking amongst themselves and Stephen seemed to take that opportunity to lean in close to my ear. “Are those guys bothering you? Because I can tell you right now that if they are, I will personally beat the shit out of each and every one of them for you.”
    My legs suddenly turned to jelly. I could feel his hot breath on my ear, which started a torrent of sensations inside me that I never knew existed.
    I didn’t know how to react to this unknown sensation, so all I did was take another gulp of my drink—downing every single drop this time. Once all of it was gone, I placed it on the table. I didn’t think I had enough strength in my hand to hold it anymore.
    Whatever these feelings were, they felt alien. It both excited and scared the shit out of me at the same time.
    “I’m okay , Stephen. I think I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me.”
    Getting up , I rushed to the toilets as fast as my legs could carry me. I needed air all of a sudden and I didn’t know why. What was wrong with me? I suddenly felt very hot, so I grabbed some tissues, placed them under the tap, and dabbed them on my neck and chest. I needed to cool down, and fast.
    This was such an unusual feeling. I couldn’t understand it. I didn’t know if I wanted to understand it. I had an ache that my body didn’t want me to ignore, but my head screamed at me to. The whole thing was just so bizarre.
    Once I calm ed down a bit, I went back to the table and found another drink patiently waiting for me.
    “You shouldn’t have , Stephen. But thank you.”
    “That’s ok ay. I’m sorry if I upset you. Are you okay? You look a little flushed.”
    “Do I? ” I acted shocked, but I knew he must have been right. Just his presence alone was starting a fire

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