Inconstant Moon - Default Font Edition

Read Inconstant Moon - Default Font Edition for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Inconstant Moon - Default Font Edition for Free Online
Authors: Laurel L. Russwurm
Tags: college, Friendship, rape, Sexuality, university life, trust, stalking, free culture, free software
and Barbie, who naturally giggle, while Ethan, Quentin and Jose roll their eyes as if on cue.
    “Great to see you. Thanks for coming out to the Christie Computer Club Ubuntu Release Party. There are power bars in the centre of each workstation, so find a place to settle and we'll get you loaded up in no time.”
    Quentin raises a hand tentatively and Oscar smiles at him. “How can I help?”
    “My wife couldn't make it out tonight, and I wonder if I'll be able to hook her up with this stuff when she has the time?”
    Oscar laughs. “Of course, Ubuntu is available free all year round. There's a variety of different kinds of GNU/Linux distros. You might be happier with Fedora or Mint. But you'll be able to download any flavour you like off the Internet whenever.”
    Barbie says, “I thought fedora was a hat.”
    Oscar answers that “Fedora is made by a company called Red Hat,” and Barbie laughs.
    “Okay,” Ethan asks, “Just, what if I don't like it?”
    “Ah,” Oscar raises his eyebrows, “A virgin.”
    “Woo hoo,” Mouse and Barbie hoot, and the normally self assured Ethan looks about ready to melt through the floor.
    “We'll help you download and install if you're ready, but since you're not sure, you'd be better off running it from one of Maggie's “live” disks so you can try it out without having to install.”
    “That's cool.” Ethan nods and people start helping themselves to the freshly burned Ubuntu DVDs stacked on the table. Jose drifts over and sets up in an empty spot and Barbie squeezes into the corner beside Adam, flashing him a big smile as she sets up.
    Maggie sets out bowls of munchies on the side counter while Kate builds a soft drink pyramid at the end.
    Krystal crosses over to Jose, and looks over his shoulder, asking, “How are you doing there?”
    “I want to try this Ubuntu, and I'm up for the partition thing. But I could use some help, you know?”
    “That's what I'm here for.” Krystal sits beside him, covering the hand holding his mouse with her own.
    Jose asks, “It's not going to mess up my Facebook, is it?”
    “Not at all.” Krystal types in the password and connects the Wi-Fi. “Let's get started.”
    More students drift in and set up along the benches.
    Adam is looking at Barbie's laptop screen with dismay. Her desktop is a mess of icons. “So what do you think?” Barbie asks.
    “Ah, maybe the best thing would be to run off of a live disk for now, and see how that works for you. But you really should be better organized. How can you find anything? It looks as though all your documents are on the desktop.”
    Barbie looks up at him, tilting her head and frowning prettily. “Well yeah. What's wrong with that? I mean, that way I can find everything.”
    Adam frowns, “May I show you?” She nods and he slides over beside her. Reaching for her keyboard he creates a folder.
    Adam says, “We will call this one assignments. Inside it we can make another for biology. We can make a folder for each of your courses so you can keep the work separate.”
    “You mean the way I keep my notes in binders?”
    Barbie's frown is replaced with a smile just for Adam. “Huh. I never really got the whole computer folder thing, but binders makes sense. It might be a good idea. Thanks Alan.”
    Liz and Amelia stand in the doorway, amazed at the turnout. The room is awash with students. Amelia carries a mic attached to a digital recorder clipped on her belt. Liz starts taking photographs before even stepping through the door.
    “Wow,” says Amelia, “looks like close to a hundred people in there. Let me see if anybody's done a head count. This is a good turnout for any club.”
    “I can't even see Maggie.”
    “There's Oz. I'll go talk to him first.”
    “Okay,” Liz is just lifting her camera again when a touch on her shoulder startles her. She jumps with a little shriek, then glowers at Jake.
    “Sorry. I just wanted to tell you I've that I've already taken

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