
Read Kinetics for Free Online

Book: Read Kinetics for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Peed
    "We are an eight hour drive from
home." He looked over at me while we were stopped at a traffic light.
    "Let's do it." I nodded.
    "Alright." He merged into the
lane that would take us home. 
    "I don't think that this is a good
idea." Rachel chimed from the back seat.
    "I'm sure that it is a horrible
idea, but I would like to see what is left of the orphanage and there are a few
people in the town besides the woman who took care of us that we could
contact."  I looked back over the seat again.
    "So what is your story
Rachel?" Kenny turned to look at her as well.  Sandy followed suit.
    "Well it is similar to yours; this
is Mike and Mary by the way." She said pointing to the two others in the
back seat.  They looked like they were a few years younger than the rest of us.
    "Thank you for freeing us."
Mike said, "My sister hasn't spoken since they gave her, her
    "We were all at a hospital in the
intensive care unit, and then we awoke in the Aurora facility." Rachel
tried to recall her abduction. 
    "Aurora, wait a minute I just heard
on the radio that one of their experimental power generators had exploded, you
mean that was me?" I had never thought about putting the accident together
with my losing control. 
    "Yeah." Rachel nodded. 
    "They said that four people were
killed and over a hundred were injured." I turned around and sat back into
my seat.  I thought about Zach, who wasn’t here with us; I couldn't help but
think that he was one of the people that I had killed.
    "He wasn't killed." Rachel
said quietly.
    "Ok, ground rule, stay out of my
head." I looked out of the window.
    "Message received." she sat
back looking hurt. 
     "She did get us out of
there." Ronnie whispered from the corner of his mouth. 
    "I'm glad, but she convinced me to
kill people, and I am not happy about that." I hissed.
    “Grace, she didn’t know you were going
to kill anyone.” Ronnie tried to calm me down.
    “You know what…” I almost yelled, but I
could see tears welling in her eyes in the mirror, “I don’t want to talk about
    “Alright, alright.  I’m hungry, let’s
get something to eat.” Kenny’s stomach growl was audible from the front seat. 
    We pulled into the imitation burger
joint and decided that it would be easier to all go inside instead of the drive
    Altogether we had nine trays of food and
we picked a couple of tables in the back.  Ronnie, Kenny and Rachel sat with me
at one table.  Sandy was ok to sit with Mike and Mary.
    "So I think that we should put all
of our abilities, or whatever you want to call what they did to us, on the
table.”  Ronnie took the words out of my mouth, “I think we all have an idea as
to what Grace can do."
    "I have telekinetics and
telepathy." Rachel’s voice issued from inside all of our heads.
    "They decided to call my thing
Chronokinetics, which is the ability to manipulate time with my mind.  Dr. Cid
told one of the guys watching that they had never seen the ability
before." Kenny held up his hands where a golden ball of energy appeared,
“That’s all that I can do to demonstrate.  They put a clock in and watched it
tick backwards.”
    "They called mine Electrokinetics. 
I'm surprised that I'm not constantly magnetized." Ronnie held out his
hand and showed me the veins on the back of his hand that pulsated with
electricity with his heart beat.
    Sandy came over to the table and knelt
down beside me, "Metamorphosis." her hair grew three inches and
turned from brown to black, to an unreal green. 
    "Now that's amazing." I took a
bite of my second burger.
    "Those two both have the ability to
control water in different states.  Mike is better with the liquid form and
Mary is better with ice.  They also have a constant telepathic link to each
other, like a supercharged version of link that normal twins have." 
Rachel explained. 
    Once we had all finished eating, we took
turns in the bathroom, before getting back onto the

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