Kissing Eden

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Book: Read Kissing Eden for Free Online
Authors: T. A. Foster
blocking my sun.” Someone was standing directly in front of me, casting a wide shadow around my chair.
    “Sorry, princess. Didn’t mean to interfere with your busy morning.” I recognized the voice even though his face was encased in a dark shadow.
    I was the only one sunning at the Palm Palace pool. The pool was elevated above the parking lot, and from my lounge chair, I could see the waves crashing on the beach. It wasn’t resort living, but it was a pretty view. I loved hearing the waves, the gulls, and feeling the sea breeze whisper over my skin.
    I sat straight up, careful to grab my bikini straps and retie them. “Is the pool closed or something?”
    He grabbed the net from the fence and skimmed the top of the water. “No, but I have work to do. Not everyone can sit at the pool all day.” I didn’t like that I was disappointed his eyes were covered with sunglasses.
    “ That’s the point. This is the pool. Do you have to be so rude about everything?”
    The muscles in his upper arms tightened around the handle as he dipped the basket deeper in the water. I t was hard not to stare; every move his arms made commanded attention.
    “ Darlin’, like I said, I have work to do.” He scooped a bug into the net.
    “Does the management know you talk to guests like this?”
    He laughed. “Management? Huh, that’s funny.” He couldn’t possibly keep his job by talking to the motel patrons this way.
    “I know you saw me last night ,” I blurted.
    He paused. “Yeah, looked like you met some friends over at Pete’s.”
    “You could have at least said hi—or something.”
    “So could you.” He arched his eyebrows.
    He had me there. “True. You’re right. I just played pool—that’s all.” It seemed suddenly important that he know I wasn’t interested in Pick or Connor even though Connor had slipped me his number on a bar napkin before I left. “Thanks for sending me to Sandy’s Surf Shop. Renee was really nice and she set me up with some clothes. I couldn’t get out of those bourbon-stained jeans fast enough.” I winced, wishing I could take the words back as soon as they were out of my mouth.
    “ Good choice. That blue looks good on you.” His eyes trailed from my breasts, over my stomach, and down every inch of my legs. I felt exposed, as if there was no fabric in my turquoise bikini.
    “Thanks.” I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. Thank God I was outside in the blaring sunlight where he couldn’t see the effect his gaze was having on me. I adjusted my sunglasses.
    “Is that one of the room towels you’re using?” His complimentary tone turned hostile.
    “I-I didn’t bring my own towels.” He knew I didn’t have any luggage. Was I supposed to buy a beach towel at Sandy’s?
    “ Dammit. There aren’t enough towels to use in the rooms and at the pool.” He slammed the basket into the hooks on the wall.
    “From the looks of it, you don’t have any guests other than me, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
    “That’s not the point,” he grumbled. “We have some reservations this week and I just bought those towels.”
    “You should have a sign or something. How was I supposed to know I couldn’t use the towels?” I sat straight up in my lounge chair.
    There were only two towels in my room , and I was a two-towel a shower kind of girl. I needed one for my hair and one for the rest of me. I hesitated when I grabbed one for my morning at the pool, but silly me thought I could always request more from the office.
    “I’ll take care of it.” He slammed the pool gate behind him and stormed off in the direction of the office.
    I retrieved my magazine from the chair next to me. I couldn’t figure him out. I was ready to admit he was hot—that was unmistakable. However, he was ill-mannered and always in a pissy mood, and he was the handyman at a run-down, vacant motel. Why did I let him get to me every time I saw him? I sighed and tried to turn my thoughts back to the pages of my

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