Love Believes (Sully Point, Book 5)

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Book: Read Love Believes (Sully Point, Book 5) for Free Online
Authors: Nicole Smith
    "What do you mean?" he asked with a
    "In L.A. I was up for a part, a really big
part in a sitcom that everyone expects to take off. I went through tons of
auditions. I even missed my sister Maggie's wedding because I had another call back
and didn't want to miss it. I worked so hard to get that part. And then the
director called me in and told me I got it. I was so happy. I just wanted to
work, you know? Just wanted to act. And then he gave me the news that I had the
part on the condition I slept with him, not just once but whenever he
    "He what?" Mr. Christopher said, his
voice quiet, yet menacing.
    "Yes, you heard me correctly. I was so
mortified. Here I was thinking he thought I was good at acting, and then to
discover he only wanted my body."
    "What did you do? What did you say?"
    "I left his office kind of stunned, not
really telling him anything I'm afraid. I just couldn't believe it. Then I went
home and realized there was no way I could do it, even if I never got another
acting job again. You see, that was part of it. Agree or be blacklisted. Really,
Andy Benton is quite the slime ball."
    "Benton. Andy Benton. I've heard that name.
He is big out there."
    "Well, I called and told him no. Then I
packed up my clothes, quit my secretarial job, called my brother for money for
a plane ticket and basically, got out of Dodge. I feel on the one hand like I
ran away. But on the other I feel like I managed to barely escape. So I came
here, uncertain if I'd ever go back. Finding out I could work in any capacity
at something connected to what I love seemed like a godsend."
    Mr. Christopher shook his head, still looking a
bit angry. "Guys like that Benton...they stain the profession with their
sins. Good for you for standing up to him."
    She looked into his eyes and what she found there
gave her a sense of relief inside. Something tight, in her heart, loosened at
his response to her story. She had done the right thing, she'd known that, but
somehow it helped her to hear him support her decision.
    "You and I," she said with a small
smile. "We haven't exactly hit if off today."
    "No, but then, I rarely get along with people
who work for me."
    "Really? That must be kind of lonely."
    He looked surprised. "I'm not sure I've ever
considered that aspect of it."
    "Are you willing to look at the tablets Julia
has this afternoon?"
    He sighed. "You're not going to let up on me
about that are you?"
    "Fine. But if it doesn't work, we go back to
my way."
    She nodded and glanced up and down at his clothes.
"I'm assuming you'll want one in black. Is that a big city look?"
    "It's just easier. I'm usually too busy to
think about what I'm wearing. If it's all black, I can't go wrong."
    "What?" he said, glancing at her
    "Nothing, absolutely nothing." She got
up and led the way downstairs to Julia, thinking how smashing he'd look in a
deep blue shirt and gray slacks. Perfect for his eyes.
    Two hours later she took a deep breath and blew it
out. "I think we need a break."
    He set the tablet down. "I couldn't agree
more. I guess I can see how much of a help this thing could be to me, but it
seems like it's taking me a while to get the hang of it."
    Beth silently agreed wholeheartedly, but said,
"You're doing great."
    He stood up and looked down at her. "How
about we take a walk over to the playhouse? See how the work there is
progressing. You haven't seen it yet have you?"
    She smiled and felt energized again. "I'd
love to see it. Let's go!"
    He chuckled. "I think you've shown me great
patience this afternoon, even if you haven't said how slow I've been."
    She looked down for a second and then looked up
into his eyes. "Let's go see that stage."
    He laughed.
    As she followed him down the stairs, she reflected
on how his smile and laughter changed his face so much. It seemed scowling at
everyone was his normal look, but then he would smile at her and she felt
surprised by it every time. With that smile he

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