No Regrets (Bomar Boys #1)

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Book: Read No Regrets (Bomar Boys #1) for Free Online
Authors: Jess Bryant
always been handsome in a rough, reckless sort of way. With his square jaw, dented chin and boyish dimples he was all hard angles and unexpected softness. His hair was a shade darker, sandy brown with natural streaks of gold. It was longer too, tumbling over his forehead in that haphazard way that made a girl itch to push it back out of his eyes.
    Because his eyes were beautiful pools of sparkling blue intensity. Whoever had said that eyes were the windows to the soul must have been talking about Cash because his held all the secrets he thought were so well hidden. It was those eyes that had given him away when he’d been trying so hard to convince her and the world at large that he was an asshole and it was his eyes that even now, hinted he cared more than he should.
    She strangled a whimper at the sound of her name in that deeply familiar voice, and refused to meet his probing gaze, “You said we didn’t have to talk.”
    A heavy sigh filled the cab of the truck and she fought a glance as he shifted in the seat next to her. They were too close. This close to him she could feel his body heat and she had to fight against the lulling sense of safety his distinctive masculine scent created. Soap and sweat shouldn’t have been sexy, particularly not after what she’d been through, but somehow Cash broke through all of that.
    He broke through everything; he always had.
    “You don’t have to tell me what happened but…”
    “I already told you. I fell down a flight of stairs.” She lied even though she knew he didn’t believe her.
    How could he? If there was one person on the face of the planet that knew what abuse looked like, it had to be Cash. She knew his history. She knew his family. Which meant he knew what a black eye from the swing of a fist looked like. She pulled the cuffs of her long sleeve t-shirt down to her fingers, ensuring the marks on her arms were covered.
    She expected him to yell at her for lying. The Cash she’d known would have. His temper might not have been as quick to ignite as some of his other family members’ but it was still there. She’d seen the flare of anger in every fiber of his big, muscular body when he’d realized she was hurt and maybe that should have scared her after what Hoyt had done but it hadn’t.
    Because she knew Cash wasn’t that type. He’d never scared her with his size or his temper. The things he made her feel however, those things had always scared her.
    She was far more worried about the weakness inside her when it came to Cash than she was his violent nature. She’d been so certain that after what he did she could hate him forever, but one glimpse of his concern had opened up some dark well of emotions she’d thought was sealed shut. He’d tugged her against his hard chest, offered comfort, and that chasm had widened into something with sharp, dangerous edges when he offered to hurt whoever had hit her, no questions asked.
    “You don’t have to lie to me, Jem.”
    She bit her lip then winced because she’d forgotten it was busted again, “I don’t have to tell you the truth either.”
    That earned her another heavy sigh and she fought the urge to curl against him and accept the comfort he offered. What was that? She hated him. She did . She’d spent a lot of time and energy turning her feelings against him after what he had done. She couldn’t take comfort in the arms of a man that had lashed out at her with words just because another one had lashed out at her with his fists.
    “No. I guess you don’t.”
    They rolled down the highway in silence for a couple of miles and she stared out the window as darkness closed in all around her. It was all so strangely familiar. Nothing had changed. The same flat, dusty plains stretched out on either side of her and if she closed her eyes and let the equally familiar scent of Cash envelope her then she could almost pretend that she was just an innocent teenage girl riding around with the boy she

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