Not Your Everyday Housewife

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Book: Read Not Your Everyday Housewife for Free Online
Authors: Mary Campisi
Tags: Romance
civil to one another anymore and I just don’t know why.” And then, it hit her, “Oh my God, do you think she’s having sex with Brad?” Just saying it made her nauseous.
    “Are you asking me because you have reason to suspect something, or are you just looking to get yourself committed to an institution?”
    “They could be, you know. This Sunday’s Parade had a huge section on teen sex and drugs.”
    “Oh, you’ve been reading again.”
    “It’s called inquisitive and proactive.”
    “So, you’re going to throw her against the wall and interrogate her?”
    “No, I’ll just gently broach the subject.”
    “You’ve never done anything gently in your life.” He sighed. “I can see World War III already.”
    “So, I should say nothing?”
    “Okay, I won’t say anything for now, but don’t think I won’t be watching her.”
    “What else is on your mind, Cyn?”
    “I—” I’ve been lying to you these past five months. It was all so innocent, at first, and then... and now...
    Derry’s words flooded her brain. A great big do-over.
    He stroked her arm, saying in a soft voice, “Raising kids is tough, but we’re doing okay. You’re doing a great job with them.”
    She snuggled closer to him, wrapped her arm around his waist. “Do you ever wish you could do it all over again?”
    “You do?”
    “Hmmm. I’d buy a Harley and take a trip to California.”
    “No you wouldn’t.”
    He laughed and stroked her back. “You’re right, I wouldn’t, just like I probably wouldn’t change a thing if I could go back.”
    “Really?” She repeated Derry’s words. “No do-overs?”
    “What for? I’ve got you, the kids, a decent job, though I could use another bonus. I’ve got everything I want.”
    “What if I told you I wanted to get away for a little while?” So I can figure a way out of this mess I’ve gotten myself into.
    “Okay, sure, but it would have to be low budget. Let me check my schedule. Where do you want to go?”
    “No, Sam. I mean alone.”
    “Oh.” And then, “We’re scraping to pay the bills some months. We just don’t have it, Cyn.”
    “Actually, Derry suggested the trip, said she’d pay for it, too. It would be a getaway of sorts, to kind of reassess our lives, see where we’re headed.”
    “That woman makes me uncomfortable. She’s a damn wildcard.”
    “She’s just going through a tough time right now.”
    “So why does she have to drag you into her problems?”
    “She’s my friend. She just wants somebody to go with her.”
    “Where’s she headed?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Cyn, this doesn’t sound very well thought out.”
    “I think that’s the point. It’s the trip that’s important, not the destination.”
    “Don’t give me that New Age baloney. If you’re going on a trip, I’m going to know where you’re going.”
    “Okay, so if I tell you, can I go?”
    “Any more details available or is Derry keeping it all hush-hush?”
    “I don’t know much else yet.”
    “Well, when would you come back? A week, a month, a year?”
    “If I’m going to agree to this package, Cyn, I have to know what I’m buying.”
    “She said a month.”
    He shifted his position so he could see her face. “Why the sudden urgency?”
    “It’s not. She brought it up and I’ve been thinking about it. If you really don’t want me to go, then tell me.”
    “It’s okay.” His hand cupped her buttock, pulled her closer. “Just give me the details so I don’t worry.”
    He nodded. “I’ll have to adjust my schedule to be in town.” His lips grazed her neck. “But we’ll make it work. Just promise me one thing.”
    He kissed her on the mouth, his fingers sliding over her throat, caressing her nipples, her stomach. “You’ll come back.”
    Cyn didn’t sleep all night. She made three trips to the bathroom, two more than usual, listened to Sam’s deep, post lovemaking

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