Pack Balance

Read Pack Balance for Free Online

Book: Read Pack Balance for Free Online
Authors: Crissy Smith
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
home yet. It had only been a couple of hours since she’d seen him for the first time in a year but it was almost four in the morning. That was late to anyone’s standards, except for the people who worked late shifts like her and Cooper.
    He could still be at the station or he could be in bed. Maybe he was seeing someone else and he wasn’t alone. Oh God, that thought made her want to puke. Maybe she was making a mistake surprising him. She should just go home and wait until she had a better plan. Cooper didn’t like surprises.
    No, I have to do this now. She hadn’t expected to run into Cooper yet, but now that she had seen him, she needed to explain things. To apologize and tell him how wrong she’d been. Even if he was with someone else, Julie needed to set things straight between them. She’d been wrong, and Cooper deserved to hear her say the words. Even if there was a chance he could break her heart by dismissing her. It wasn’t like it wouldn’t be justified after what she’d done.
    Her cell rang, causing her to jump. Julie had to dig through her purse to find the small device. Seeing her brother’s name on the screen calmed her. He knew her schedule so his calling was a pretty regular thing.
    “Hey, Garrett,” she greeted.
    “How’s it going?” Garrett replied. “You get your man back yet?”
    Julie had come clean to her brother. Had told him every detail of why she’d left Cooper. Garrett had surprised her by taking Cooper’s side. Even before the shifters had come out publicly, Garrett had known all about them. He’d explained that he’d known a few from working at the firehouse. They were good guys and once he’d learned about their abilities, he’d never thought of them any differently than the other guys he worked with.
    Julie had been shocked. But the two men that Garrett had told her about had been willing to talk to her about being able to shift. They’d probably helped her with her feelings for Cooper more than anyone else. She was lucky to have been able to speak with Tom and Steve so freely.
    “I saw him tonight,” she told her brother.
    “How’d that go?”
    “Well, it was unexpected. I was out on a call and the guy was one of Cooper’s suspects. I didn’t know until I came face-to-face with him. I wasn’t ready,” she admitted.
    Garret’s sigh spoke volumes.
    “I’m at his house now,” she said, before he could speak.
    “Why didn’t you tell me that first? I’ll let you go.”
    “I’m not… I mean…” She didn’t really want to confess she hadn’t gotten up the nerve to see if he was home or not.
    “You’re sitting in your car?” he guessed.
    Yeah, her brother knew her well. “Yes.”
    “Julie,” Garret said softly. “You made the decision to return and try to get him back. You love Cooper, right?”
    “I do.”
    “You’re going to have to take a chance and talk to him,” Garrett said. “You should have done it the minute you got back.”
    “I know,” she replied. “It’s just…”
    “You think he’ll still be angry?”
    “I would be,” she responded.
    “Cooper’s not you. You’ll only find out if you actually talk to him, though. What’d he say when you ran into each other?” he asked.
    “Nothing, he looked shocked and then his partner came up and Cooper left. He looked like he’d seen a ghost,” she explained. “I could see the hurt in his eyes, though. I don’t know if he’ll forgive me.”
    “Maybe he won’t,” Garrett told her gently. “You can’t know until you try.”
    “You’re right,” she admitted.
    “So why don’t you take a deep breath and go knock on his door?” he suggested.
    “I will,” she promised. “Did you need something?”
    “No I just wanted to check on you,” Garrett said quickly.
    Too quickly. “Garrett?”
    “Tom was hurt in a fire. He’s in the hospital,” Garrett said.
    “Oh God! Is he going to be okay?”
    “Yes but it still scared me,” Garrett answered. “I’m not sure why,

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