Pier Lights
But good luck to you.” He turned back,
watched the current stripper perform with her baton. She wasn’t a
good baton twirler. The moves were basic. But she was a good tease,
which part explained how she was so late in the night’s line up.
Mostly it was because she gave in to Hayes whenever he wanted
    Dio found himself wondering if the new girl
    Lina. Her name was Lina. And he let himself
think she wouldn’t. She had attitude. She had plenty of
self-respect. Regardless of her job, she did, and he could see it.
So did he. He understood it. The baton girl didn’t. She was an easy
    He realized the girl on her last night at
the job was still talking to him, still touching him. It was
slightly disconcerting that he hadn’t noticed either. He brushed
her off, said he had to focus on his act. Although he already knew
tonight’s act would be on the simple side.
    He had different routines for different
nights, for what he felt up to each night. Lina had thrown him, so
tonight would be a simple night. He couldn’t afford to mess up. The
last thing he needed was one more hurdle he gave himself.
    Caroline found a spot behind a curtain close
enough to the stage to be able to see the guy well. Sandy stood
with her. She wanted to see Caroline’s reaction. Sandy hyped this
guy so much, Caroline nearly wasn’t interested any longer. She
hated hype. She avoided anything too hyped. Books, movies, music.
Didn’t matter. She hated it.
    When his music started, she hesitated. Maybe
her imagination would be better. She could take the picture she had
of his body and...
    A flash of a sword made her gasp.
    He was on stage. Her Mr. Big Sword. It was
him. How could she not have recognized him?
    She heard Sandy speak at her side but she
couldn’t hear the words and she didn’t want to hear the words. He
was there. She’d grinned at him, stared, teased.
    It wasn’t supposed to work that way. She was
supposed to be able to stalk him at the beach whenever she could
get there and enjoy who she thought he was and not have to find out
she was wrong.
    Caroline supposed she still could. She
didn’t have to talk to him.
    Damn was he good. She’d seen him do more
complex moves on his little rowboat and yet seeing this close up
with full light made it ... more intense, more sexy, more ... just
    She walked away.
    It was time to go home. She couldn’t do
    Dio dressed fast and rushed out the door.
Maybe she was still around. He could say hello, ask her how the job
was going. Welcome her to the club. That would be innocent enough.
He just wanted to speak to her. He wanted her to speak to him. Even
just once.
    “Who are you looking for, sweetie?” Sandy
sidled up against him.
    “No one.”
    “The new girl left during your act. Guess
she wasn’t impressed.”
    He turned to her and wondered if she was
being truthful this time. He never trusted her.
    “Some girls just can’t handle dangerous
weapons. Their loss. Me? I think they’re extremely hot. I like a
guy who can defend me.”
    “I have to head out. Good night, Sandy.”
    “Aw Dio, one of these nights you’ll give in
to me.”
    Not a chance in hell. He kept himself from
saying it as he walked away to his truck. In the rearview mirror,
he saw her grab onto one of the other guys who took her to his car.
At least she had a way home.

    She called off?
    Dio paced backstage. Hayes ranted. Sandy
assured him it was fine, she’d do a double set. Hayes gave in, said
it was Sunday so she’d be good enough for the smaller crowd.
    Lina called off. And she left early during
his set the night before.
    But she’d grinned at him.
    Maybe Sandy was right. Maybe it was the
sword she didn’t like, didn’t approve of. A peace-nik type. But he
had a hard time believing it. Not that he’d seen her long enough to
know. Not that he’d talked to her. What made him think he would
know what type she was?
    He was just frustrated. A broken

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