
Read Redemption for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Redemption for Free Online
Authors: Lindsey Gray
Tags: Literary, thriller, Suspense, Psychological, Romance
    “It is, my sweet. I’m so sorry it took us so long to get here. Seven years.”
    “Might as well of been seventy,” she sighed.
    “I can’t believe we wasted all that time, putting on that show for my parents.”
    “They were just looking out for the both of us. I don’t think they ever imagined that we were what each other was looking for.”
    “I’m so glad I finally told my father how we felt about each other,” he said, tightening his grip around her.
    “I thought your mother would die of joy. I wish we would have known how happy they’d be, it would have saved us a lot of lonely nights.”
    “They weren’t all lonely.” He spread a few kisses across her jaw. “Those secret meetings in the familiar hours of the night…”
    “I hadn’t had a decent nights sleep in years until our wedding night.”
    “When we could finally sleep together.”
    “Together, forever,” she smiled.
    A sharp turn tossed them down onto the bed as they embraced.
    They had been standing on the edge of temptation for so long, it had become an effortless dance when they joined together as one. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to explore each others bodies, devouring every inch of flesh. Their sweet symphony, so new, yet so familiar. Their bodies were perfectly matched to each other; their souls entangled in the winds of fate.

    “Forever…” the man laughed. “Why are you showing this to me? Are you trying to torture me? I know what happens next.”
    “But you don’t know what happened after that, to her.” Peter pressed another button and brought up a new scene.

    His arms were wrapped around her waist as she grasped the railing. They stood on the platform at the back of the moving train, watching the sunrise.
    “I never want to forget this moment,” he whispered in her ear.
    “I never will, Ryan.” She turned around to face him, but the train caused another jostle. She lost her grip on the railing and went over the side, her screams echoed in his mind as she fell. He reached out for her, but the events happened too quickly for him to interrupt. Her body hit the ground and rolled down a steep hill. The trees were thick in the forest the train was cutting through and at that moment, she was gone from his sight.
    Her broken body came to rest at the edge of a riverbank, blood streaming from the wounds she had sustained during her fall. She lay unconscious and barely breathing.
    A broad figure came running to her side. He swept her up into his arms and sped off like lighting.
    He laid her to rest on his bed in his home in the forest. He wiped the blood trickling from her nose with his thumb before he brought it to his lips and tasted it. A split second later, her wrist was in his tight grasp. He brought it to his mouth, bore his teeth dripping with his venom, and sank them into her soft flesh.
    She cringed slightly at first as the venom entered her veins. He continued to drink – three swallows, four swallows, five... Eventually, he broke his grasp and placed her arm back at her side.
    Her wounds began to heal as her face contorted from pain to pleasure.

    Ryan turned off the video and threw the device onto the floor. He stared out the window, now with even more questions than answers while Peter picked up what remained of the shattered phone at their feet.
    “He turned her. That’s why she’s still alive?”
    “Not alive exactly, but existing, yes. If he hadn’t, she would have made it up there much sooner than you did.”
    “I would have lost her anyway?”
    “But now, that was her; it was really her. Why, why did you take me away?”
    “It’s been a long time. Her existence is very different now. She’s not the same woman you married.”
    “She sat there, weeping for that man. He was human. How did she do it?”
    “Years of practice. Lily blends in quite well with modern society. She’s actually one of the good guys.”
    “A vampire? One of the good guys?” Ryan

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