Revealing Ruby

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Book: Read Revealing Ruby for Free Online
Authors: Lavinia Kent
Tags: Romance, Historical, Regency, Historical Romance
hints of gold woven through brocade coverings and edged curtains. The bed rose high and grand against the far wall, the massive canopy a work of art in itself. It was a room fit for a lord—or a lady. Indeed, it was often chosen by couples seeking privacy from society.
    “This is certainly different. Not quite what I’d expect from the rest of the house,” the captain said.
    “Is there a problem with the rest of my house? I am quite fond of it,” Ruby answered.
    “No, but it doesn’t look like you’re about to entertain the queen.”
    Ruby smiled. “No, I don’t imagine the queen will be making social calls anytime soon—but the regent has come by, although not to this room.”
    The captain shrugged. “To each his own. Are you going to tell me what happened there in the hallway?”
    “I hadn’t planned on it.” Ruby walked toward the empty hearth. “This was Madame Noir’s room. She owned the house before me. She’d been a duke’s mistress and when he paid her off she opened the house. She brought her bed with her.” Ruby turned and walked to the bed, running her hands along the ribbed bedpost. “I’ve changed the mattresses and the bedding, but still it does remain a duke’s bed, somehow.”
    “You are avoiding the subject.” The captain walked toward her. Why did she feel as if she were being stalked by a large cat?
    “No. I am simply choosing not to talk about it.”
    He stopped so close she could feel the heat of his body. “Does that woman work for you?”
    “Why, do you want to buy her for the evening?” The knot formed again in Ruby’s belly. It would be bad enough if he called for a girl; if he wished the Countess she might be ill.
    “God forbid. That was a harpy if I’ve ever seen one. I think I’d rather sleep in a net full of fish than spend the night with her.”
    The knot loosened. “I am glad to know you have some taste.”
    “So does she work for you?”
    Ruby turned to him. If she drew in a deep breath her breasts would brush the buttons of his shirt. “No. Only a piece of my income comes from my girls. Often I just provide a room and a meeting place. Sometimes couples who cannot be together come here. This room is very popular with the lords and ladies who do not happen to be married to each other. I also on occasion provide a meeting spot for men who do not choose female companionship.” She watched his eyes closely as she spoke, saw the slight widening as he took her meaning. “And sometimes I provide space—and toys—for couples of particular needs. That is what you saw this evening. The lady and the gentleman have met several times to…play games. Unfortunately tonight they discovered that they did not suit as well as they thought. I could have told them that, but they did not ask.”
    Ruby felt the captain’s eyes drift down to her lips. She felt conscious of every breath she took. Her mouth was dry and she wanted to lick her lips. She held back, not wishing to send that message.
    His eyes drifted up to her face. “It is an interesting establishment you run here, different than I had expected.” His breath brushed across her cheek.
    She’d expected the scent of brandy and smoke, but all she smelled was mint. She drew in a deeper breath. Soap. Sandalwood, she thought. The sea, but like the wild coastline she’d once visited as a child, not the crowded docks of London. “I do try to keep everybody happy.”
    “Except me.”
    What would happen if she did give in and make him happy? Would it really be so bad? She was tempted. Oh so tempted.
    Stepping back she tried to cool the heat rising within her body. “You seemed pretty happy when I saw you last night.”
    “When you saw me?” He took a step forward, following her.

Chapter Four
    When I saw you. When I watched you. Her mind filled with images.
    Damnation. She should not have said that—for so many reasons. “I keep an eye on all my patrons.”
    He reached out, a finger lifting her chin until their

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