Steal Me Away

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Book: Read Steal Me Away for Free Online
Authors: Cerise DeLand
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Historical
the law. She must lay with him if you depart.”
    This rule that White Hawk could lie with her and give her
his seed I would honor, but only if she came to like him and agreed. It would
do no good to state this condition to my elders. But gazing at my handsome
brother, I gave him a warm smile and he returned it. “I will tell her and teach
her this is to be. White Hawk will help me.”
    “She must agree,” my uncle persisted. “This way, she will
earn respect and better command the other women in the tribe. This is the work
for the chief’s first wife.”
    “She will do this. In time. I believe she will.” If I can
influence her to care for me, she will agree to enjoy White Hawk as her lover
as well. I will not imitate the Anglos’ anger over sharing a woman, but tame my
temper for this custom of my own people. “The Great Spirit showed me in a
dream that she will be of great service to me and you, my people.”
    “No Anglo ever serves us in any way.”
    “The Great Spirit says this will happen for our children’s
children and beyond. But it will be so.”
    My uncle passed me his great pipe in a sign of the end of
our discussion. “Claim her, my chief. She is yours by right. May you grant us
many children by this bride.”
    I rose and thanked them. The Great Spirit had told me
Shining Moon would give me only one son. But he had also told me he would
become a good man, wise and rich by his own deeds. “Thank you. I go to my bride
who will be my only wife.”
    I left and bathed in waters still cold from the northern
winter but my blood ran hot and thick. I had waited so long to have this woman
that I vowed to honor her and myself with my restraint.
    I knew my sister had done her duty to my bride by bathing
her in river water warmed by my tipi fire. She would offer sage oil to mark her
body, then take my bride’s hair in her hands and offer black bear grease to
coat it. I had told Willow Talks that Shining Moon might not like the sage oil,
but that she should save it so that I might use it to easily shave her pussy
tomorrow. The bear grease my sister should offer her as well, but I did not
want my beloved’s tender beauty obscured by the black. That long graceful hair
I would wind around my own body as I took my bride and pierced her with my
lance. I wanted that thick mane pure and pale as the first day I had seen the
luster of it. Blonde, the Anglos called it. Rubia , said the Spaniards.
Whatever it was to others, to me her hair represented all that she would be to
me. Innocent until I had her. Untouched until I brought her to white-hot
ecstasy with my hands and mouth and pierced her with my essence.
    Nude as I had been born, dripping from the river bath, I
strode to my tipi, pulled back the buffalo hide and peered inside my tent. I
urged my cock not to rise higher lest its length and girth make my woman shrink
from me. I did not wish to frighten her, only fuck her.
    There in the center sat my woman, sitting on her heels
utterly naked as I know she would have been instructed by my sister, as was our
custom. Shining Moon raised her eyes to me. She was silent and more accepting than
when I had left her to talk with my old ones. In that, too, my sister Willow
Talks had worked for me. I smiled at Fancy in welcome to my life. To take her,
I had broken the rules of the Hill Country’s long knives. But to have her, I
had obeyed my own Great Spirit.
    She was destined to be my wife. For together, we would make
peace among many to follow us. I did not know how, but I trusted the Great
Spirit when he said this was true.
    As if she had heard this truth from him as well, she nodded
at me in greeting. Nervous, she did not appear to be frozen in fear of me as
her conqueror. At least this I had accomplished today.
    Now, gazing upon her nakedness, I knew I had before me a
most joyous task. To caress those lips with my own and kiss her over and over
again like her white men. And like a strong Comanche, I would lick her

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