The Fine Art of Murder

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Book: Read The Fine Art of Murder for Free Online
Authors: Emily Barnes
Tags: FIC022000 Fiction / Mystery & Detective / General

Chapter Six
    Both kids were quiet during dinner. Cameron was quiet because that was his nature and Chloe because she was thirteen and still angry with me. I tried several times to start a conversation but got nowhere. After the dishes were cleared away and I brought out the chocolate cake, I finally got a reaction. Chocolate is a happy food—it’s a scientific fact.
    In spite of herself, Chloe smiled as she licked icing off her fingers and Cameron told us about a baking show he liked to watch on the Food Network. But when the treat was gone, so were their sunny moods.
    Cameron took his dish to the sink. “I’m going to my room now, okay Grammy?”
    “Sure, honey. Your mom said you go to bed at nine. I’ll be in to say good-night.”
    “Okay.” He left the room.
    “Dinner was good, Grandma, thanks.” When Chloe started toward her bedroom, I stopped her.
    “Come sit with me. We haven’t had a chance to visit—just the two of us.” As I expected, she heaved a heavy sigh and slowly, grudgingly walked back to the kitchen.
    I smiled, acting as though I hadn’t noticed her demeanor, and patted the chair next to me.
    She threw herself down on the seat. “Will this take long? I have homework.”
    “Do you know what I was thinking on the flight here?”
    “No,” she said, staring down at her shoes, kicking her feet back and forth.
    “I was wondering, what can I do to make Chloe miserable? What can I say to make her really mad at me? And I tried to think of something horrible but—”
    “I don’t hate you,” she said in a sarcastic tone.
    “Darn. I must be losing it.” I made a serious face and pretended to be upset with myself. “Guess I’ll have to try harder. ’Cause my only reason for visiting you and your brother and mother is to make all of you thoroughly miserable. And when the three of you are unhappy, I’m good.”
    She finally looked up, and the confusion in her eyes was delicious to see. Now maybe we could have a real conversation.
    “Why would you want to make us all miserable?” she asked.
    “Have I ever done anything intentionally to be mean to you? Ever?”
    The arrogance was gone now and she answered in a tiny voice. “No . . . never.”
    “So why would I start now?”
    “But you took my phone. Daddy gave me that phone—it’s mine.”
    “Is that the only thing he’s ever given you?” I asked. “You mean to tell me he’s never given you presents for your birthday or Christmas? What about Easter and Valentine’s Day? Nothing?”
    “That was before—when he lived with us. The phone was the first thing he gave me when he moved away. It’s special ’cause he bought it just for me, so we can talk or text—whenever.”
    “So if I looked up the call history on that phone, the only number I’d find would be your dad’s, right?”
    “Well . . . and maybe some friends. But you can check, Grandma. I call Dad every day, swear.”
    “I’m not going to check up on you, Chloe. I trust you.” I held my arms open. She didn’t come to me, as I’d hoped, but she started to cry.
    “I know you’d never hurt me. But I used to think Mom and Daddy wouldn’t either. Now he’s far away taking care of all the sick people in the world, leaving me alone here. I’m just so mad at him!”
    “You’re not alone, sweetie. You have your mom and your big brother.”
    Chloe straightened up, swiping at her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. “Mom’s never here anymore. Not since she got all involved with her important work. All she cares about is helping other kids and their mothers. And if she isn’t worried about some strangers, she’s worried about Cam. I know he’s got Asperger’s, everyone knows, that’s all she talks about.But he gets good grades—better than mine. It’s not like he’s gonna die or anything.”
    “You feel left out,” I said.
    She nodded. “Majorly.”
    “Have you told Mom any of this?”
    “I try. But sometimes I think she’d like me

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