The Stubborn Father

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Book: Read The Stubborn Father for Free Online
Authors: Jean; Wanda E.; Brunstetter Brunstetter
you’d be in bed by now, too.” Kristi bit her bottom lip. “Do you need some help?”
    He smacked his forehead. “I knew you planned to work late. Guess I momentarily forgot.” He hesitated then quickly explained, “Tom wanted me to go for a ride and take his new car out for a spin. Guess we didn’t realize it was this late.”
    “Nice car, Tom.” Kristi smiled. “It looks expensive.”
    “Uh… yeah, it is.” Tom looked at Joel, while responding to Kristi.
    Relieved that Tom didn’t contradict him, Joel explained about the disconnected hose. He’d sure never expected her to come along.
    “I can give you a lift home if you like,” Kristi offered.
    “Thanks but my truck is back at Tom’s. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”
    Joel watched as Kristi waved and pulled away. He also felt Tom’s eyes boring into the back of his head.
    “I can’t believe you would drag me into your lie.” Tom pointed a finger at Joel.
    “I plan on telling her about this car. I’m just not sure when.”
    Joel couldn’t blame Tom for being upset with him. One of these days, he’d have a lot of explaining to do, and he hoped Kristi would understand.

    Walnut Creek, Ohio
    H ey, Sister, wait up!” Elsie called when she spotted Doris in front of Der Dutchman’s Bakery.
    Doris halted and turned around. “It’s good to see you. Did you come for breakfast?”
    Elsie shook her head. “I’m heading to Charm to see Dad this morning and thought I’d stop by the bakery first to pick up some of his favorite lemon fry pies. I also want to see if Aunt Verna is here yet. She was supposed to arrive at Dad’s sometime yesterday, and this evening I want to have everyone for supper at my house. Can you come?”
    Doris nodded. “Jah, I heard she was coming, and so far, we’re free for supper tonight. How long will Aunt Verna be visiting?”
    “Probably a week or two. I’m sure Dad’s going to enjoy her company. Even though he insists he’s getting along fine on his own, Dad’s bound to get lonely living there all alone.”
    “You’re right, but I doubt any of us will ever convince him to move into one of our homes.” Doris frowned. “You know Dad. He can be so stubborn sometimes.”
    “I can’t argue with that.” Elsie touched her sister’s arm. “How are you and Brian these days? Are you both working hard at your jobs?”
    “Jah. In fact, I need to get going right now, or I’ll be late for work. I’m doing the breakfast and lunch shifts today.”
    “Then I guess you’ll be busy with all the fall tourists.”
    Doris moved her head slowly up and down. “Sometimes I wish I could quit waitressing and stay home.” She lifted her shoulders in a brief shrug. “But then what would I do all day with no
to take care of?”
    Elsie gave Doris a hug. “Maybe you and Brian should consider adopting a
    Tears pooled in Doris’s eyes. “I’d like to, but Brian says if God wants us to have a baby, it will happen in His time. He won’t even talk about adoption.”
    Elsie wanted to say more, but she didn’t want to upset Doris further or cause her to be late for work. “Always remember, I’ve been praying for you and will continue to do so.”
    “Danki. That means a lot.” Doris took a tissue from her purse and dried her eyes. “I’d better get going. Unless you hear differently, Brian and I will join you for supper. Oh, and before I forget, can I bring anything to add to the meal?”
    “All you need to bring are your hearty appetites.” Elsie grinned.
    As Doris walked away, Elsie paused.
Heavenly Father, if Doris is never going to have any children of her own, please soften Brian’s heart on the subject of adoption.
    Sighing, she headed for the bakery. As soon as she stepped inside, her senses were greeted by the sweet aroma of cookies and pastries. The place was already busy with tourists looking around and trying some samples. Elsie walked by the bakery cases to check out what might

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