When Shadows Fall

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Book: Read When Shadows Fall for Free Online
Authors: Barbara Freethy
Tags: Contemporary Romance
about the injury and having to take time off, but it's important to let your bones heal. You're going to need that hand for a long time."
    "It's frustrating."
    She nodded with understanding. "I know. You hate to have nothing to do but relax. In fact, I don't think you even know how to relax."
    "I take vacations."
    "And those vacations usually consist of fifty-mile bike rides, climbing a mountain or shooting your snowboard down the steepest, iciest path you can find."
    He smiled. "Those are fun trips."
    "But not relaxing. You need to learn how to just be still."
    "Look who's talking—when's the last time you took a vacation?"
    "That's different."
    "No, it's not. You may not love physical activity, but you're always in the lab or working on some project. Face it, Shayla, we both like to be overachievers, just in different areas of life."
    "Well, I am starting to learn how to have some balance in my life."
    "Balance or sex?" he teased.
    She blushed and punched him in the arm. "I am not talking about sex with you."
    "Good, because I do not want to hear about your sex life."
    "Colton," his grandfather said sharply, interrupting their conversation. "I was looking for you."
    That didn't sound like a good thing. His grandfather rarely pulled him aside for a private conversation, but he seemed intent on doing that now.
    "I need to speak to Colton alone," Patrick said to Shayla.
    Shayla sent him a curious look, but all he could do was shrug. He was as baffled as she was by his grandfather's sudden desire to speak to him.
    "How are you feeling?" Patrick asked when they were alone. "I heard you had a concussion as well as some broken fingers."
    "My head is back to normal. My hand will take a few days to heal."
    "So you're off work for the next few days?"
    "Yeah, you know I can't even get back to limited duty for five days after diagnosis."
    "Exactly what I was thinking. You know my sister-in-law Helene recently passed away," Patrick continued.
    That had not been at all what he'd expected his grandfather to say next. "Mom mentioned that." His grandfather had had two older brothers, both of whom had passed away years ago, and Helene had lived in Chicago for as long as Colton could remember. He didn't think he'd seen her since he was in elementary school. "Sorry."
    His grandfather brushed his condolences aside. "I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Chicago for a few days. Helene named me as the executor of her estate, and it's a mess. I've got relatives fighting over property and money. I don't want to leave your grandmother, but I need to take care of Helene's estate. I promised her I would do that before she died."
    "Okay," he said slowly, trying to make sense of what his grandfather was telling him. "Are you asking me to look after Grandma?"
    "No. Don't be ridiculous. I've hired a day nurse and a night nurse to be with her when she's at home, and your mom is going to help out with anything else Ellie needs. I know she'll be well taken care of. But that's not my main concern."
    Colton sensed his grandfather was finally coming to the point of this conversation. "What are you concerned about then?"
    Patrick looked around the entry, as if to make sure they were alone. "There's a writer who wants to interview your grandmother. I don't want that interview to happen."
    "Can I ask why?"
    "It will upset Ellie. She doesn’t think it will bother her, but I know that it will. I know what is best for her, Colton. I have spent my entire life protecting that woman, and I will continue to do that as long as I am alive."
    "I understand that," he said, a little surprised by his grandfather's dramatic words. Patrick Callaway was usually terse and gruff and rarely used two words if he could use one, but he seemed to be quite worked up by the arrival of Olivia Bennett, and Colton couldn't help wondering why.
    "I want you to keep your grandmother away from that writer, or the writer away from your grandmother, whichever is easier."
    "Uh…" He didn't know

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