With These Eyes
listed David's wife and daughter as the only
other residents of the house. The Trooper barked at the very upset
family father before him.
    "Sir, due to your unwillingness to get
vaccinated against the monkey flu, your family is posing a risk to
national health."
    The Trooper struck a chord with David who
launched into a rant. "This is still a free country and it is my
choice whether or not I want to get vaccinated. You have no right
to even be on my property. Someone is going to pay for my
    While David was going on in anger, the
Trooper briefly looked over his shoulder and motioned for one of
the policemen. The patrolman angrily came to join the group, a
couple of others from across the street followed suit.
    "Is there a problem?" he asked.
    David was confident that the police would
come to his aid. "Damn right, there's a problem!" he bellowed. "I'm
not getting an injection and neither is my daughter."
    Without saying another word, the policeman
took out his tazer, aimed it at David's heart and pulled the
trigger. In a flash, two wires with fish-hook ends shot through the
air and lodged themselves in the father's chest. Excruciating
voltage flowed through his body, causing him to collapse in a
seizure. The policeman continued discharging the gun into him while
the Trooper read on.
    "In accordance with the emergency health
bill, you and your family are going to be quarantined and placed
under the care of the Apophis Corporation. Your assets hereby
become property of Apophis to offset the cost of your
    Several Troopers stormed the house and
dragged David's wife and daughter outside. When Mrs. Weaver saw her
husband twitching on the ground, she tried to break away from the
Trooper's hold.
    "Better cooperate if you don't want to end up
like that!" proclaimed the cop, finally releasing the trigger of
his electric weapon. The family was dragged off the porch and lined
up on the front lawn.
    Shoulder patches and ball cap of one of the
Troopers’ uniforms featured an image of the staff of Caduceus. In
this symbol of an ancient civilization, two snakes form a
double-helix around a staff that is topped with a winged
silver-circle. In modern times, most individuals only know this to
be the sign of a pharmacy but fail to understand its meaning or
relevance. The Vaccine Trooper carried a bag that contained several
injection guns. The handle of each was marked with colored tape. He
pulled out a gun with a red mark. Other guns in his bag were marked
with blue. Blue was reserved for those who Gene deemed suitable
cash crop. It contained a booster-shot of fluoride, a substance
found to suppress the need for individual thought. Without
sterilizing the injection site or even allowing time to roll up
their sleeves, the Trooper injected each of the Weavers. What they
didn't know was instead of a vaccine, they had each received a
lethal dose of a weaponized strain of the flu virus. The shot was
going to leave the entire family dead in a few days' time.
    "You can't take us!" cried David's daughter,
"our dog can't stay home alone."
    One of the Troopers laughed, "Don't you
worry, we'll get your little dog, too."
    Two of the Troopers came out of the house
carrying valuables. One held a large zipper-bag full of cash and
jewelry. Another carried a box containing the family's camcorder
and their laptops. The sound of the family dog yelping out his last
breath as a Trooper snapped his neck emanated from the inside. The
daughter couldn't believe her ears. Tears welled up in her eyes and
shortly thereafter, a Trooper emerged with the animal's lifeless
carcass in a large plastic bag. The daughter screamed
    "Shep! You bastards killed Shep!"
    Her arms flailing, she broke free and made a
run towards her dead dog when the other two policemen drew their
stun guns and fired their high-voltage wires into her body. The
Troopers were laughing at the girl, who was now twitching on the
ground and screaming uncontrollably. Within a few

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