middle of nowhere Wyoming without any shopping malls. They sure as hell didn’t appreciate getting up in the morning to either go get eggs from the backyard or fish for some protein.
Thus far, in the past three years, he had sent a plane ticket for two potential spouses to come out for a visit. Chatting with them online had been a different experience for him, but it worked. The first one was a brawny woman with sparkling brown eyes. He found it very disappointing when she showed up and was sitting on the left side of crazy. Each conversation they had, she was either referring to sexing him in an unusual manner or the government was trying to scan her brain.
He happily took her back to the airport. The second was a milder spirited woman that looked like she just stepped out of a store on Rodeo Drive. Everything was dusty to her. Everything was dirty.
“Are you planning to paint any of this wood?” she asked with her nose upturned.
“No, it has a stain on it to protect it, and I really love the natural wood,” he said to her.
“Oh,” was her only response. As he thought about it, that was also her last response to him. She said nothing else the entire time she was there.
This time around, he was smarter. He spent nearly six months talking to Darlene Patterson. He knew her name. He knew her work. He knew she loved the land. Daniel couldn’t wait to meet her. It was at his suggestion that she was bringing along a friend on this visit. Before, when the other two ladies had come out to inspect him as a potential husband, he sent for one of his sisters to come for a stay as well, that way, the ladies did not feel unsafe being alone in the middle of nowhere with him.
Darlene would arrive tomorrow and he was anxious. He had elk steaks marinating, potatoes and he even secured some early peas to balance out the meal. A final walk through was done to the house to make certain everything was where and as it should be.
Sheila D walked along beside him. “I’m just making sure everything looks good. We want this one to stay ole’ girl,” he told the dog as he patted her head. “Speaking of that, you need a bath and a trim to make sure you’re presentable,” he said as he looked in the mirror. He could use the same himself.
D aniel woke Friday morning full of energy. He shaved, scrubbed himself, the dog, and bathroom until everything looked shiny like a fresh new penny. Sheila D didn’t like that he was leaving and not taking her with him. The drive to Laramie was an hour and a half. Darlene had mentioned she would rent a car to drive to his place, but he insisted upon picking them up. For him it was important to gauge her reaction to being driven out to the middle of nowhere, plus it would give the weekend a head start.
He arrived at the airport in his best jeans, nicest shirt and brightest smile. It did not take long to spot the two black women. Daniel threw up his hand and waved to them.
“Gurl, I told you that man was all kind of yummy,” Krysten said. “Look at those broad shoulders, tight hips, kissable lips and that perfectly trimmed beard for mustache rides,” she said.
Daniel stood still as he stared at the woman. “You know I can hear you, right?” He asked Krysten.
She only leaned in to Darlene, attempting this time to whisper, “...and he has good hearing too Gurl.”
“You’re funny,” he said to Krysten as he smiled. He turned his attention to the second traveler, “You must be Darlene. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Please excuse my friend. I think she has been touched by Satan,” Darlene said as she accepted his warm hand for a shake.
“We have a bit of a ride back to my place, so we should get moving. Is this all of your luggage?” He asked as he looked at the two carry-ons.
Luggage secured, Daniel helped the ladies into his Jeep Cherokee as they drove back. Instead of taking I-80 back to Saratoga, he opted instead to