(2011) Only the Innocent

Read (2011) Only the Innocent for Free Online

Book: Read (2011) Only the Innocent for Free Online
Authors: Rachel Abbott
Tags: Crime, Police
panelling and drab furniture, but it seemed the most appropriate to the occasion. The young woman had clearly found the kitchen, and was hovering with a glass of water in her hand.
    The policeman guided Laura to a sofa and waited until she was seated, and the glass was placed on the table at her side. She was so cold, but although the fire was made up and ready to light, she felt no inclination to make the effort.
    ‘Lady Fletcher, I’m Detective Chief Inspector Tom Douglas, and this is Detective Sergeant Becky Robinson from the Metropolitan Police. We’re expecting Detective Chief Superintendent Sinclair to join us, but he got stuck on his way to the M40. He’ll be with us in about ten minutes.’
    The two police officers sat down on the facing sofa, and Tom Douglas took a deep breath. It was clear that he wasn’t enjoying this moment.
    ‘I’m so very sorry that we weren’t here when you arrived home, and that you had to run the gauntlet of the press out there. It must have been a very stressful experience, and I’m not at all surprised that you’re feeling a bit shaky. I know you’ve heard that your husband was found dead this afternoon in your London home, and you have our deepest sympathy for your loss.’
    Laura closed her eyes and clamped her top lip between her teeth to stop it from trembling. She dropped her chin to her chest in a vain attempt to hide her lack of control. The tissue that had remained clutched in her hand was somehow torn to shreds in her lap. She had no recollection of doing that, and now her nose was starting to run. Bundling the bits into a ball, she attempted to wipe her eyes and nose. She felt a clean tissue being pressed into her hand, and knew she was being rude to not thank the thoughtful young sergeant. But she couldn’t bring herself to look at them, or to speak. She just held the tissue to her streaming eyes and nose.
    The Chief Inspector began to talk again, and she tried to concentrate on what he was saying.
    ‘Police officers were called to the apartment in Egerton Crescent at around two pm following a call from a Mrs Beryl Stubbs, who had discovered your husband’s body about an hour earlier.’
    She looked up sharply, her hands dropping to her lap.
    ‘Beryl? What on earth was she doing there on a Saturday afternoon?’
    The sergeant answered.
    ‘She came to pick up her purse, but it was helpful having her there to be honest. She told us how we might find out where you were. We did try to catch you at the airport - there was supposed to be an announcement on your flight, but I gather you didn’t come forward. I’m sorry we missed you. We could perhaps have saved you some distress.’
    Laura managed a barely audible response.
    ‘I’m afraid I slept all the way home. I didn’t hear any announcement.’
    At that moment, the shrill peal of the doorbell shattered the quiet of the house.
    ‘I’ll go.’ Becky said.
    Laura could feel the Chief Inspector’s eyes on her. But she said nothing. Not even when the sergeant and the DCS entered the drawing room did she feel able to speak. She simply gave a fleeting look at the new arrival, and then returned her gaze to her hands, which were tightly clasped around the now soggy ball of tissue.
    ‘Lady Fletcher, I’m James Sinclair. I do apologise for my delay in getting here. May I offer my sincere condolences on your loss. Your husband was a great man, and was much loved in this country and elsewhere in the world.’
    Laura felt her body jolt at the policeman’s words.
    ‘I’m also sorry to say that the minute you drove through the gates it provided a signal to the media to go public. Given your husband’s profile, I’m afraid it’s bound to be given priority coverage. We’re informing Sir Hugo’s former wife, but is there anybody else that you would like us to notify on your behalf?’
    Laura knew she should respond, but somehow the words just wouldn’t come. All she could do was shake her head.
    ‘I know that my two

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