5 Windy City Hunter

Read 5 Windy City Hunter for Free Online

Book: Read 5 Windy City Hunter for Free Online
Authors: Maddie Cochere
seems suspicious.”
    “If it’s any help, Wes, I’d be happy to send copies of my emails from Uncle Jack to you,” Darby said. “He really is fond of her, and he wanted us to meet her, so he filled me in on some details about her life. Although, I don’t think he put into writing the specific information about her diamonds. I think we talked about those on the phone when we finalized the arrangements for us to stay here.”
    “Where is your uncle?” Wes asked.
    “He’s in Tokyo for a banker’s conference. He’ll be back sometime next week.”
    Wes stood up, pulled out his wallet, and struggled to extract a business card from the overstuffed leather. He finally handed a bent card to Darby and said, “My email is on my card. You can send your correspondence with your uncle to me there. Call me if you think of anything else I should know.”
    Darby walked with Wes to the door. I wasn’t upset over the questioning, and I realized I was famished. We hadn’t had anything to eat other than snacks since lunchtime on the road.
    “Well, what did you think about all of that?” Darby asked as he dropped onto the sofa.
    “It was just like on television,” I said. “They accuse everyone, no matter how absurd it may seem, and then they hope something sticks to somebody. I’m not worried about it, but I am starving. What do you want to do about dinner?”
    “Uncle Jack’s note said we should eat anything and everything in the kitchen. He stocked up for us. Plus, we have the pastries I bought earlier.” He thought for a moment before saying, “I’m not in the mood to cook, and he left numbers for pizza shops that will deliver, so how about a pizza?”
    “Ooh, pizza sounds really good tonight,” I told him. “I haven’t been eating pizza lately because spicy foods haven’t been agreeing with me, but how can we be in Chicago and not get a pie?”
    Darby agreed and went to the kitchen for the numbers to call. Now that I had my taste buds set for pizza, I hoped at least one of the shops would deliver in this weather.
    I grabbed the television remote from the coffee table and started surfing for something to watch. A cooking show was always a safe bet for the two of us, and most of them had holiday recipes right now, so that would be an added bonus.
    The up button on the remote stuck, and I couldn’t change the channel. My surfing was stopped at a movie. In the current scene, a woman had just driven her car into a man, but the man was a zombie. She jumped out of her car with a baseball bat in her hand. Her face showed exaggerated shock when the zombie stood up. She tried to beat him with the bat, but only his arm fell off before he advanced on her and sank his teeth into her face.
    I started to giggle. I wasn’t watching the movie, I was watching the man who was playing the part of the zombie. He was paid to look gross, make noises, and allow slime to drip from his mouth. It was wonderfully hilarious. My giggles turned to full-blown laughter as I watched the man attempt to call other zombies to feast on the woman. He couldn’t use words, so he used a combination of noises, grunts, and howls. His expressions were priceless, and I couldn’t stop laughing.
    “Uh-oh, here we go again,” said Darby coming back from the kitchen. He had a big smile across his face. “What is it this time?”
    I pointed to the movie, and eked out, “A zombie movie.”
    “I used to watch old zombie movies when I was a kid,” he said. “I never laughed at them though. They scared me half to death.”
    I managed to get my laughter under control and said, “I’ve never seen a zombie movie. I know zombies and vampires are all the rage right now, but I haven’t had a chance to look into either, and for some reason, watching this guy act the part of a zombie is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I wonder how he practiced his lines?” The thought brought another gale of laughter.
    After a few moments, Darby was laughing,

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