A Little Too Hot

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Book: Read A Little Too Hot for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Desrochers
a little shaky as I realize what he’s preparing to do.
    It’s crazy, but I want to let him do it. I met him less that thirty minutes ago but I want so much to kiss him. We’re just inches apart and our breath mingles, sending a shudder through me to my core. I lick my lips and tip my face up, and my heart stalls when his fingers thread through my hair and cup the back of my head, drawing me closer.

    Chapter Five
    T HE KNO CK ON the door sends me flying. I leap off the sofa as it opens.
    “Time’s up,” Nora says, peering through the crack.
    I look back at Harrison, who’s still on the sofa, looking a little stunned.
    “So . . .” What? What do I say? Not, “This was fun,” or “See you later.” Instead I say, “Thanks . . . I guess.”
    He stands. “Thank you . This was nice.”
    “Nice,” I repeat, rolling that over in my head.
    Nora reaches in for my arm and starts tugging.
    “Okay, well . . .’Bye,” I say as she drags me through the door and closes it.
    “This isn’t the Dating Game, girlie. No pleasantries required. When your time’s up, you just leave.”
    I cringe a little. “Sorry. I’m not very good at this stuff yet.”
    She gives me a look, then leads me back to the dressing room. “When you’re done changing, check in with Ben. He’ll have your tips sorted.”
    “What do I do with my costume?” I ask, plucking at the tuxedo collar of my vest.
    “Leave anything that needs to be washed in the bags in the corner. We send it out so it’s ready for you when you come in tomorrow.”
    “I’m coming in tomorrow?”
    She pulls the pen out from behind her ear and scratches her chin with the end of it as she looks over the notepad that always seems to be in her hand. “We’re open Tuesday through Saturday. I’ve got you on center tomorrow.”
    I nod and close the door. When I confirm I’m alone, I let out the giddy scream I was restraining and do a little happy dance. “Yes!”
    Twenty minutes later I walk from Ben’s office into the club with $546 in my pocket. Apparently, Hot Guy Harrison left a fifty on the table in the VIP room for me. Adding quickly in my head, that comes out to three hundred and fifty bucks he dropped on me tonight. It leaves me wondering how much set guys for movie production companies make.
    It’s after last call, so the stages are dark and the bar is emptying out. I catch my eyes sweeping over what’s left of the crowd, looking for him. I don’t see him, but I see Jonathan. He’s on a bar stool, grinding against the blonde standing between his spread knees who has her tongue halfway down his throat. A blonde who’s not Ginger. This is why I don’t see him settling down anytime soon. He’s amazingly pretty, and girls throw themselves at him—same as I did. He just doesn’t have it in him to resist.
    As I step up next to him, I notice the two double shots of Jack on the bar in front of him. I clear my throat and tap him on the shoulder. “You want some Ginger with that shot?” I ask.
    He unsuctions his face from the blonde, who glares past him at me as he turns to look over his shoulder.
    “Red!” He drops the blonde and spins his stool to face me. “Holy shit! I know we said we’d never do the nasty again, but that performance really made me second-guess my decision.”
    I shove his shoulder, and he’s just drunk enough that I nearly knock him off his stool. He knows I was on the rebound the night we slept together. “Get over yourself. You weren’t that good.”
    “Jon,” the blonde behind him whines.
    He glances over his shoulder at her as if he’d forgotten she was there. “Oh. Hey. So, my friend’s here. You can take off now.” He turns back to me and lifts his glass. “To hot redheads who can fuck an entire room from the stage, and make every guy feel like it was just for him.”
    I roll my eyes and we shoot. This time I beat him by at least half a second.
    Behind him, the blond skulks off as Gina pours us another

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