A Promise for Her Love

Read A Promise for Her Love for Free Online

Book: Read A Promise for Her Love for Free Online
Authors: Elaina Lee
he stated innocently, swinging a leg over the snowmobile.
    Caylie wondered if she shouldn't step up for her brother, but before she could say anything, Rick yelled, "Everyone have a radio? I don't want anyone to get separated from the group. If we need to slow down, let me know!"
    He turned the engine over and then revved it, cuing everyone it was time to load up. Caylie made sure Kyle took on his passenger before sliding up behind Rick. Having to deal with a lovesick tween wouldn't hurt Kyle, she decided.
    Once everyone had been accounted for, the mobiles sped toward the tree line. Caylie held tight to Rick's solid form, thankful he blocked the frigid air flying at them along with snowflakes, which stung like needles against her exposed skin.
    The metal skis under the vehicle glided along the icy ground. Occasionally a faint slope in the landscape caused them to catch air, sending her stomach into her throat. Not one for anything more exciting than a carousel, Caylie began to think maybe snowmobiles weren't for her.
    Thankfully when her nerves began to officially revolt, they reached the tree line and were forced to go slow. The engine throttled down and Caylie relaxed some. The tall pines blotted out the sky. Shaded from what little sun filtered through the clouds, the temperature dropped a few degrees in the forest. She hoped Kyle had worn enough. Glancing over her shoulder, she searched him out and noted he had on a sweater jacket with a hoodie. Great.
    "All right," Ricked called. "Start looking for a tree!"
    "How tall can it be, Uncle Rick?"
    Caylie smiled at the excitement in the Rick's five-year-old nephew’s voice.
    "As tall as you want, Walter."
    Every tree became the tree until he saw another one, setting off a barrage of discussion from everyone. Caylie figured they'd be here all day.
    "So," she asked once they were separated a little from the pack, "how exactly is a tree chosen with this group?"
    "Ah, that's the best part. My house, my tree. I suggest one."
    Caylie chuckled. "I see."
    "Do you see one you like?"
    "I don't know, but we're running out of snow." In the forest ahead, the thick cover of the canopy had kept the snow from collecting.
    "Hmm, that we are." He picked up his radio and spoke, "Okay everyone, shut them down. We're walking. Stay paired up and always keep each other in sight. Announce when you find a tree." Replies of understanding trickled in. The engines died and only the calm of birds singing surrounded them.
    Caylie accepted Rick's help to get off the bike. Stiff wind tore through the trees, kicking up snow. Cold, she took off her helmet and then replaced it with her toboggan. She pulled the knitted ear covers down as far as they'd go. Kyle attempted to put his hood on over the helmet, and she bit her tongue to keep from laughing. The teen years still laid claim to his brain cells.
    Rick's arm wrapped around her waist. She wished the nearness provided some warmth, but layers of clothing and a steady breeze kept away any heat.
    "One of these a winner?" he asked.
    Trying not to shiver, and failing, she looked around. All the trees seemed impossibly tall to fit into his house, despite some of the rooms having a three-story clearance. "They're all so big."
    "Let's go find a smaller one then."
    They headed off in search of the perfect tree. Caylie made sure to keep everyone within her vision, especially her brother, though Whitney seemed to be doing a good job making sure he didn't wander off alone. The redhead chattered endlessly, her snow boots clomping inelegantly, while her long arms swayed at her sides.
    "That was really mean of you to stick Whitney with Kyle," she said, though couldn't stop the laughter in her voice.
    "Trust me, she would have tagged along after him anyway. I didn't add to that mess at all."
    She laughed. "I suppose not."
    "How about that one?" He stopped and pointed.
    Caylie followed his line of sight and spotted the twelve-foot pine with full branches. Her heart

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