A Tale of Red Riding: Rise of the Alpha Huntress (The Alpha Huntress Series Book 1)
above all. She feared that the journey to her granny’s house had all been a dream.
    The sky above ignited with fiery red light. Red looked skyward and gasped in fear as a massive explosion erupted on the moon’s surface. It sent countless shards of blazing rocks scattering in every direction. At first, they looked like thousands of falling stars zipping across the night sky, ready to grant the wishes of those who gazed upon them. Red smiled and made a silent wish that she would find the happiness she had desired for so long.
    The moment of bliss turned to terror when the twinkling moonstones began popping and exploding in the atmosphere, and plummeted toward the earth like blazing comets. Red could not stay in the meadow any longer, so with no direction in mind, she ran as fast as her feet would carry her. It wasn’t long before she was once again racing down a dark path deep in the woods.
    The ground rumbled as the moonstones slammed into the earth and exploded on impact. The air rapidly filled with so much smoke that it was hard for Red to see a thing beyond her nose. With the forest ablaze all around her, she feared there would be little chance to escape.
    A burning shard of moonstone hit the ground not more than a few yards away, blowing a tree into a million flaming splinters. Red covered her face and ran as fast as she could in the opposite direction. It wasn’t long before she was gasping and choking from the smoke filling her lungs.
    Just when things couldn’t get any worse, she reached the edge of a steep embankment. A blazing rock pelted the ground nearby, causing a shockwave that knocked her over the edge. Tumbling down the grassy hill, head over feet, her efforts to stop the fall proved useless.
    When she finally stopped, it came with a hard flop that left her breathless and flat on her back. It took a painful moment of gasping and wheezing before she was able to come to her senses. With the aid of a splintered tree branch, she strained to get to her feet. Her leg was throbbing from a sharp pain shooting up her thigh. She wasn’t sure if the muscle was twisted or the bone was broken, but there was no chance she would be able to run with such an injury.
    Using the branch as a crutch, she stumbled onward, each step requiring relentless determination as the pain grew worse and worse. After stumbling for another mile or so, a blaring red light suddenly erupted up ahead. It wasn’t like the amber flames that had burned so brightly earlier in the night. The pulsating glow emanated from deep within the trees. What was causing it, Red did not know, but it was beckoning her toward it.
    The need to find the source overwhelmed Red so much she forgot the pain in her injured leg. Whatever was calling to her was growing louder with each passing moment. The final steps required her to push through thorny bushes, ripping her clothes to shreds and leaving her covered with cuts and scrapes.
    When she emerged into a forest clearing, she saw a glowing red stone that sat atop an ancient pedestal. Somehow its identity was as plain to her as anything she had ever laid eyes on.
    “The Omega Gem.”
    The scorched red stone wasn’t much larger than a gumball. At face value it appeared to be nothing more than a worthless chunk of rock, yet the power it emanated was anything but ordinary. Red could feel its energy crackling in the air around her. She knew without doubt that it was a force unparalleled by anything on Earth.
    “Why are you calling to me?”
    As Red reached out to pick up the gem, a furious roar erupted from behind. She spun around to see a powerful white wolf perched a fee yards away, showing its razor-sharp fangs, ready to pounce. The deep rumbling growls of more wolves erupted from all sides.
    Red looked around as four more wolves emerged from the trees. Each must have weighed at least two hundred pounds and had its own uniquely colored coat—black, grey, brown, and yellow.
    “What’s happening to

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