A Warlord's Heart

Read A Warlord's Heart for Free Online

Book: Read A Warlord's Heart for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
Tags: Paranormal, Medieval, fantasy romance, scifi romance
growled. He turned in time to see Ramar jump down the four stone
stairs to the ground and storm toward the group. Vaan folded his
arms over his chest curious about how Ramar would handle his
    Tolan spun at Ramar’s approach. The force of
the blow to Tolan’s face sent him flying backward. He slammed into
the ground and Ramar leaped on him, fists punching him in the face.
Vaan stiffened as two of his seasoned Warlords fought in the
courtyard among full view of the others. This was no match in
    Drawn to the fight, more Raasa came over to
watch. For them it was a normal sight to see the Kabanians battle
for small slights. They could not possibly understand that this was
more. Vaan hurried down the stairs intent on stopping them. As soon
as he neared, Tolan leaped to his feet.
    “What is this?” Vaan asked, unable to believe
Ramar’s actions.
    Tolan’s chest heaved and blood stained his
mouth. “My apologies, Overlord. Ramar attacked for no reason.”
    “Ramar?” Vaan faced the Warlord, expecting an
explanation but Ramar stared over Vaan’s shoulders. Vaan followed
his gaze and the male Raasa, Maen, had an arm around Vesa, soothing
her ire. Ramar didn’t answer Vaan. He charged over toward the two
and shoved the male hard enough he hit the ground with a loud
    Vesa shrieked and tossed her bow and quiver
to the side as she tried to reach the fallen male. Ramar blocked
her attempt easily. Intrigued though he usually wouldn’t be, Vaan
continued to stare.
    “Move, Warlord Ramar,” Vesa hissed, green
eyes narrowed.
    “You have leave to call me Ramar as I have
told you.”
    Vesa flung her hands up. “I don’t want to
call you anything, now move.”
    Ramar braced his weight and leaned forward.
His voice remained calm as he stated, “This I will not do.”
    Everyone present listened to their exchange.
Maen rose to his feet and Vaan noted that aside from the dust and
grime on his hands, the Raasa remained unhurt by his fall. His
chest loosened. He did not tolerate unnecessary injury to those
under his protection and more so for the Raasa, who had not the
benefit of the coccar armor in extreme dangerous situations. The
Raasa could produce deadly venom in their mouth and use it in
defense but overall they were a peace loving people.
    Vesa screamed at Ramar’s refusal to move then
balled both fists and pushed at his Warlord’s chest. Maen’s
diamond, green pupils dilated and his forked tongue flickered as he
stomped to Vesa’s side and curved an arm around Vesa’s waist. Vaan
tensed as everything in Ramar’s posture changed. His Warlord went
from calm to battle rage in seconds. Vaan knew there was no time to
warn Maen to step aside.
    “Hold, Ramar!” Vaan shouted.
    Arms bunched and fists knotted but Ramar
refrained from taking the next step which surely would have
involved serious harm to Maen.
    Vesa glared at Ramar then eased Maen’s arm
from around her before going back inside without another word to
Ramar. The others were silent for all of a beat then talking
resumed. The Raasa conversed in the rapid-fire dialect of their
native tongue which Vaan had no hope of following, while Tolan’s
eyes widened and he exclaimed, “You have feelings for the
    Ramar flushed bright red and stalked off. To
Vaan’s relief, his new right hand headed for the hapfe stables
instead of indoors. Tolan faced Argan. “My apologies again,
Overlord Vaan. I would not have been as forceful with Vesa if I
knew it would offend Ramar.”
    Vaan thought over all the changes he’d gone
through since awakening. He’d once considered the renewed treaty
with the Desani the most difficult task to accomplish but now he
wondered if the most difficult task was not having his best friend
and mate around at all times to handle such emotional

Chapter 6
    The next morning his youngling stared at him
with identical green eyes and repeated their request. “Hapfe.
Pease, pease falo?”
    Like their

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