Alicia myles 1 - Aztec Gold
concrete path outside the museum, still running, still raucous. Alicia and her team ran with them. When they reached the roadside more paths opened up and the mass started to dissipate. A horde swarmed across the road, stopping traffic and causing even more noise and chaos. Alicia turned back.
    “I don’t see why we’re still running.”
    Their adversaries, eight-strong, plowed into them, bloody and bruised but eager for more. Crouch stepped back again, searching around. He was looking for a reason, a motive, a face he might recognize. So far, nothing presented itself.
    Alicia wanted to end this fast. A throat punch and a kick to the groin took two permanently out of the fight. Twisting off the back of that she stiff-armed a third in the face, breaking his nose. Blood spurted. The piglike squeal was muted as he hit the ground hard on his back, all the breath smashed out of him. Russo lifted a man, slamming him down onto the front of a parked car. The next attacker he grabbed around the waist and flung into the road. Healey sought to be more clinical, trading swift punches and strikes before neutralizing his target with a blow to a nerve cluster. Laid Back Lex, though slow to start, soon warmed up to his task and began smashing heads together.
    Crouch moved away as sirens sounded down the street. “Finish it,” he told them. “Time to go.”
    But their attackers, though lacking skills, were certainly tenacious. No sooner did one go down, groaning, than another got back up. Alicia felled yet another, certain that it was the third time she’d put him down.
    “No guns,” she said again, reminding the boss. “Takes more time this way.”
    Russo glanced over at her. “They are unarmed,” he said. “It wouldn’t be fair.”
    “Fair?” she repeated, taking an ineffective punch as she turned to stare. “Who said it should be bloody fair?”
    “Get in the damn car!” Crouch shouted as they backed up to where the limo was still parked. “Let’s get out of here.”
    Crouch held the door open as Healey slid in. Russo was there next, gesturing that Crouch should go first. The boss just grimaced and shoved the big man ahead, then signaled Alicia. “Hurry!”
    The sirens were almost on top of them.
    The engine roared. Alicia slipped past Crouch and jumped inside, ending up on Russo’s lap which caused the big man to let out an animal-like squeal. Crouch dealt easily with Alicia’s two pursuers, tripping and pushing them into a tangle as he took one last look around.
    And saw a face . . .
    “There,” he muttered. “Son of a bloody bitch.”
    Crouch slid into his seat. Alicia untangled herself from Russo, slamming the man’s left bicep as she went for good measure. Didn’t hurt to let the new guy know you could injure him when you chose to.
    The limo raced away from the curb, swerving into traffic amidst a noisy flurry of honking horns. One of their adversaries rather ambitiously threw himself onto the car, didn’t get a grip on the windshield, and went bouncing across the remainder of the carriageway, narrowly missing a braking bus. Crouch shook his head at the display of idiocy.
    Alicia grimaced. “He’s just gotta know he ain’t that good. There’s people I’ve worked with are that good. Drake. Mai. Dahl. I mean, the whole damn team. But these guys? Talk about amateur hour.”
    “And now I know why,” Crouch said. “Greg Coker.”
    “An old friend of yours?” Alicia wondered. “What’s he doing here?”
    But before Crouch could even open his mouth the sound of squealing tires shattered the peaceful cocoon around them, and three black shapes swerved in close.
    “You gotta be kidding!” Russo cried. “We just kicked their asses twice and they’re still coming?”
    Alicia surveyed their surroundings. Three black Nissan Qashqais were running alongside and behind them. “Christ,” she said. “Even their cars are slow.”
    As if in retaliation for the slur the nearest Qashqai veered toward them,

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