All Man

Read All Man for Free Online

Book: Read All Man for Free Online
Authors: Jay Northcote
Tags: Romance, Contemporary,
don’t know what you’re laughing at,” he said when he finally swallowed. “You have chilli sauce on your face.”
    “Here.” Jules reached across the table and caught the smear of red at the corner of Gareth’s mouth. He brought it to his own lips and sucked his finger clean.
    Gareth tracked the movement, his tongue coming out to swipe where Jules had touched him. “You’re killing me,” he muttered.
    “Hurry up and eat then.” Jules took another huge bite, amused when Gareth did the same.
    Gareth insisted on sharing his chips, dipping them in the sauce and feeding them to Jules. Jules couldn’t resist teasing him some more, licking the sauce off the chips before taking them from Gareth’s fingers, holding on to his wrist to steady his hand.
    “God,” he groaned as Jules licked his lips.
    “Huh?” Jules put on his best innocent face.
    “Your mouth ,” Gareth hissed.
    “You want it?”
    “I want all of you. So fucking badly.”
    The food was almost all gone now, and suddenly Jules realised that his appetite for food had totally gone. He was filled with a rather more pressing hunger for Gareth instead.
    “Sounds good to me. Can I come back to your place?” Jules asked. “We could go to mine if you want, but my flatmate’s probably in.”
    “I live alone.”
    “Perfect. How far is it?”
    “Ten minutes walk.”
    “Ready to leave when you are.”
    Thank goodness for pay-when-you-order restaurants. There was no waiting around for the bill. They left, Gareth’s hand on the small of Jules’s back as he ushered him through the door. Even that tiny bit of contact made Jules shiver with anticipation.
    They hurried back, neither of them saying much as they walked side-by-side, elbows brushing occasionally. Jules had a perma-grin on his face that only widened every time he glanced sideways at Gareth.
    One time Gareth caught him looking.
    “What?” he asked.
    “Just can’t believe we’re doing this,” Jules said. “I had such a crush on you right from the moment you walked through the door of the salon on Friday. I never in a million years thought you’d be interested in me.”
    “Snap,” Gareth said.
    “No way.” Jules flushed. “I’m not crush material. I might be pretty but I’m not in your league. You must have guys falling over themselves to get on your dick.”
    “You’re my type. I like pretty. And yeah… I do okay I guess, but I’ve never seen the appeal of a big hairy bloke like me so it’s always a bit of a mystery why I get hit on.”
    Jules huffed out a laugh. “I want to look like you when I grow up. You’re what a real man should look like.”
    “Bullshit. You’re as much of a man as I am. You’re the sleek little sports car to my Land Rover.”
    “If you say so.” Jules grinned but he was flattered. He’d never thought of himself like that before. "I guess it's true what they say—opposites attract."
    Gareth let them into the front door of a terraced town house that was obviously split into flats, judging by the four doorbells.
    “I’m right at the top,” he said. “Sorry about all the stairs.”
    “Not a problem. If you lead the way, I get to watch your arse.”
    Three flights of narrow stairs led to a door that Gareth opened. He stood aside to let Jules enter first.
    “This is me,” Gareth said as Jules looked around.
    “Oh, it’s cool.”
    It was a nice space. Quirky looking, it was obviously a converted attic. Several windows set into the sloping ceiling probably saved it from being dark and poky in the daylight. Now, just the very last of the evening sunlight streamed in, painting golden-orange patches on the stripped floorboards. The front door led directly into the main living area with the kitchen separated off by a breakfast bar.
    “The bedroom’s through there. And the bathroom.” Gareth gestured to the other door.
    It was ajar, so Jules peeked in to see a king-sized bed.
    “It’s great. You’re lucky to live

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