Always Us (We Were Us Series Book 2)

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Book: Read Always Us (We Were Us Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
and watched the other girls flirt with random guys. I ordered more cokes in case they needed a break, but none of them came back. Tonight was the night I learned that I definitely wasn’t a party person.

    “Dad, I’m not spending any more time in that house. I spent the whole summer cleaning, there’s nothing left for me to do.”
    He sighed at me on the other end of the line. Weeks had passed and I’d been able to put Riverview and Josh out of my mind. School had been keeping me busy, along with my roommates and the apartment.
    Andrew and I had hung out several more times, but he seemed to be taking things slowly. He held my hand and kissed me chastely and hadn’t pushed for more. Things were running smoothly between us.
    I couldn’t say that about the apartment though. Something had happened between Michelle and Stefanie. They’d turned on each other and each day things got a little worse. Michelle picked on Stef then Stef would retaliate and vice versa, each situation building on the last.
    And it was childish pranks too. Michelle hid all the toilet paper one day, then Stefanie took all the towels out of the bathrooms. Then Michelle stole Stefanie’s underwear and wouldn’t give it back until Stefanie returned Michelle’s bras. It was funny at first, but they were building on the pranks and they were affecting Lauren and me now.
    “Sweetheart, once the house is sold, you never have to go back,” he pleaded.
    “Dad, I never have to go back now. Just sell it as is. I got everything I wanted out of the house so please, just don’t make me go back there. It was hard enough the first time, I don’t want to do it again.”
    “I know honey. Have you talked to your Mom?” This was his feeble attempt at a subject change, but really we were going from talking about my mom’s house to actually her. Not much of a difference. I sat in silence, refusing to talk about her or Riverview. She’d made it clear over the summer that she didn’t care about me anymore, she why should I care about her. She’s a life ruiner. She never cared for me as mothers should. She’d broken up at least two marriages and destroyed Michelle’s relationship with her dad.
    “Fine.” He sounded like a bratty teenager. Wasn’t that my job?
    “Michelle! Open the door right now, I need to get in there!!” I heard Stef yell from down the hall.
    “What was that?” Dad asked.
    “Stef. Michelle’s in the bathroom.”
    “Don’t you have two?”
    “Lauren’s probably in the other one.”
    I sighed. It was time to play mediator again. The bathroom scheduled that had been working out for all of us and ceased. I’d stuck to it on my end, and I think Lauren was trying.
    “Jenna! Your friend, has been in there for like half an hour already and I need to get to class.”
    “Then go!” I heard Michelle holler from behind the closed door.
    “I need to brush my teeth. It’s not like I need to spend hours brushing my hair or putting on makeup that’s not even going to make me any prettier.” Stef shot.
    “Nothing will make you prettier.” Michelle shot back.
    “Dad, I gotta go,” I said and clicked off the phone.
    Immediately a text came through. I didn’t even have to look at it to know who it was. Josh. He’d been relentless lately. Multiple texts a day. I’d resorted to keeping my phone on vibrate or turning it completely off especially during class.
    “Get out of the bathroom!” Stefanie was bordering on rage.
    “Calm down,” I intervened.
    I discarded the phone on the bed and ran into the hallway. Josh can wait. Forever.
    “No, Jenna. I can’t. I’m tired of this. It’s been two months and she has no respect for living with other people. She’s always in the bathroom and being loud and annoying.” Stefanie said, all in one breath.
    “Michelle, or Lauren,” I said a little louder. “Will one of you please hurry? I need to get in there too.” I added.
    Lauren emerged from the far

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