American Revenant (Book 2): Settlers and Sorrow

Read American Revenant (Book 2): Settlers and Sorrow for Free Online

Book: Read American Revenant (Book 2): Settlers and Sorrow for Free Online
Authors: John L. Davis IV
Tags: Zombies
possible I guess.  But I think we should focus on making this place livable by
making it defensible.  You guys want to take a walk around the edge of the
place, see if we can set up some sort of fencing or wall to help make it more
not sure a wall is feasible,” Rick offered.
know if we were to wall off the entire camp it would be a monumental effort,
especially without heavy equipment.  I’m confident that we could do a fence of
some type though.  Something simple, but strong enough to keep the dead from
walking right in to the camp should be sufficient, at least for the short term.”
had turned left from the main house, following a narrow dirt road that led them
to the small, concrete swimming pool.  The area was completely surrounded by
deep trees, with the narrow driving path continuing past on the east side of
the pool. 
we use this for water storage?”  Lisa asked. 
we could clean it out, make sure there were no chemicals lingering in there,
yeah it would be great for water storage.”
right,” Gordy added, “with the proper cleaning this would work well for water.”
laughed, “Well for water? Nice one, man.”
Gordy said, laughing along with the others.
continued following the looping road, pointing out areas they thought would
best suit a fence.  They found the cabins dotted throughout the camp, not
liking that they were so far spread out.
think that until we get a fence up and possibly some sort of watchtower we
should keep everyone up in the buildings by the main house.” 
agree with that, Gordy, but we have to remember that we have limited manpower.
Using only hand tools it could take us a while to get up even the most
rudimentary fence.”  Rick looked around the camp, and down the road leading to
the main house.
you have some ideas, man, share them,” Jimmy said.
will, once we’re back and talking with everyone.  I need to think about it some
were nearly back to the main house, when Gordy told the others that his left
knee was starting to hurt.  “I need to remember to wear that support when we go
out walking around like this.”
was just about to open his mouth with a remark about being old when they heard
a gunshot nearby.
looked at the others, “From Mr. Cambrey’s I think, sounded that close.”
me and Jimmy to run ahead?  We can make sure he’s ok; you guys can catch up.”
Rick told her, “if you’re in a group you stay in that group no matter what. 
Never separate like that, it’s just asking for trouble.”
nodded in reply, taking Rick’s lesson in stride.
stepped up their pace, even though Gordy was starting to limp just the
slightest bit from the pain in his knee.  They passed the stone marker set at
the edge of the graveled parking area, directly across from the main gathering
hall.  The stone was a memorial to the family that had donated the property
back in the 1930’s.
made good time back to the Cambrey home, and found Jonathan sitting on the
front porch steps, his shotgun propped next to him.
heard a gunshot, are you ok?”  Gordy asked.
old man sitting there on the porch steps wore the sadness on his face like a
mask.  It wasn’t something he could have hid from the others even if he

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