America's Galactic Foreign Legion - Book 5: Insurgency
commandos veered off course to save themselves,
but were soon captured.
    * * * * *
    In the morning, I was on the phone to the
local spider commander. He denied any and all wrongdoing.
    “There were commandos dropping out of the sky
last night, attacking my hospital,” I accused. “Explain that!”
    “Our paratroopers have been practicing night
jumps all week,” replied the spider commander. “Notice of our
routine training exercises was posted in newsvids to prevent alarm
and UFO reports. A few paratroopers must have been blown off
course. That is no reason to shoot my soldiers during time of
peace. I thought we had an understanding about how to handle
accidental border crossings. I demand my marines immediately be
released, and that you account for their safety.”
    “Most of your commandos were killed when they
attacked the hospital,” I advised. “Your provocation is just one
more of many.”
    “And you do not consider the massacre at
Window Rock a provocation?” asked the spider commander. “You allow
terrorists to join your Legion, and look what happens!”
    “If your failed attack on the hospital was an
attempt to kill Lieutenant Barker, he has already been moved to a
more secure place. Any more adventurism or attempts on his life
will be considered acts of war. I will hold you personally
    “Lieutenant Barker is a separate issue. I
demand the safe return of my trainees.”
    “Whatever,” I said. “First your commandos
will be interviewed. Then General Kalipetsis will decide their
fate. Personally, I’m voting for firing squads.”
    “You would not dare. The Empire will not
tolerate the kidnapping or custodial abuse of its troops.”
    “We need to set up a face-to-face meeting to
negotiate. Perhaps a prisoner swap?”
    “I am not holding any of your human
    “Maybe you are holding prisoners elsewhere,”
I argued. “Check your other local lockups. Are we still on for
poker tonight? We can discuss it then.”
    “At your club?” asked the spider commander.
“Of course, I will be there. Have I ever missed a Saturday night of
poker at the Blind Tiger? Prepare to lose the rest of your
    “You got lucky last time,” I said. “But your
luck will run out.”
    “Whatever – as you human pestilence are so
fond of saying,” said the spider commander. “Talk is cheap, victory
is sweet.”
    * * * * *
    Lieutenant Barker and Sergeant Toock were
moved from the hospital to my personal bunker deep below my office
at Legion Headquarters. Lieutenant Barker was now awake and
recovering. Sergeant Toock still needed to grow back limbs and
appendages. For ants, that was no problem. He would be okay when
the pain stopped. Both were ordered to stay in bed and rest for a
    “I’ve been in this bunker system once before,
back when the spiders last bombed us,” commented Lieutenant Barker.
“These tunnels connect all of New Gobi.”
    “I had no idea Czerinski had living quarters
underground,” said Sergeant Toock. “He should have told us about
these tunnels. They could be important during an emergency.”
    “Familiarize yourself with as much of this
tunnel bunker system as you can,” ordered Lieutenant Barker. “As
you say, it may be useful later. Perhaps G Company can build its
own bunkers and connect into these.”
    “You have no need to be snooping about our
tunnels,” interrupted Captain Lopez, standing just outside the
door, listening. “There are already air-raid shelters and bunkers
for you and your men. These tunnels are for strategic use. Consider
yourself lucky that Colonel Czerinski feels so strongly about your
safety as to allow you down here for even a short time. Usually
there is no access unless nukes go off.”
    “Why would Colonel Czerinski be concerned for
my safety?” asked Lieutenant Barker. “That seems a bit off his
    “Colonel Czerinski is your commanding
officer,” advised Captain Lopez. “As such, you

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