An Accidental Affair

Read An Accidental Affair for Free Online

Book: Read An Accidental Affair for Free Online
Authors: Heather Boyd
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Regency
baser impulses. Thinking of her like that was hopeless. He would wait a decently long time before he rejoined the ball, long enough that his return might never be linked to hers.
    “There you are.” The exasperated admonishment broke the quiet and got his hackles up. If he was not mistaken, his aunt, Lady Penelope Ford, had come to deliver her usual scold. “What are you doing out here, young man?”
    He glanced over his shoulder as anger swept through him. His Aunt Pen saw everything but rarely understood, and would not miss a chance to meddle in his affairs. Thank God she knew nothing of his plans to secure a wife. If she did, she would not hesitate to push any and every properly connected, buttoned-up debutante in his direction with the hopes of reforming him completely. That wasn’t the sort of wife Merrick had in mind. He didn’t want to change that much when he married. “Enjoying the fresh air in solitude until now. You?”
    Her lips turned up, but he knew better than to trust her smiles. “I thought to ensure scandal might be avoided, but I see my fears were unnecessary.”
    He tensed at her words. Could a man ever spend one night in society without even his family thinking the worst of him? It was too much. She would never believe he was out here to prevent Laurence, the baby of the Ford family, from being foolish. “Is that so?”
    Her smile dimmed at his clipped response. Once, they had been on intimate terms: Aunty Pen and little Merrick. But that was many years ago, and he was no longer a child and ignorant of his aunt’s manipulative nature.
    “You can cease your ridiculous coldness.” Her gloved fingers slid over his arm and squeezed. “We are family, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not, and that makes your happiness my concern.”
    He stared at her hand and when she didn’t release him, he dug deep for an insult sure to send her away. Merrick would prefer to deliver an original barb than rehash a previous accusation, but unfortunately, his mind was blank. His aunt was as unfeeling as one could be and still breathe. She hadn’t a shred of compassion in her blood, but he’d accused her of that many times in many different ways. “I would prefer you stay out of my life altogether. What I do, or do not do, is my business.”
    Her hand didn’t move. “You risk much with your actions.”
    “I risk nothing.” Merrick stepped back so she couldn’t touch him anymore. “Do enjoy your evening. Perhaps one of your other nephews will make a scandal for you to halt before the night is through. That should keep you amply entertained and happy to be in the thick of it. Go find one of them to reform tonight.”
    She said his given name, Merrick , exasperation tingeing her tone with annoyance, but he turned away, eager to catch one last glimpse of Arabella before he returned to the frustrating task of wading through society, searching for the one woman who could stimulate him in mind and body. Someone he could imagine sitting across from at breakfast every day for the rest of his life. To find someone who might come to care for him as he was and not want others so he might do the same.
    As he entered the ballroom from the terrace, he caught sight of Lord Farnsworth and his daughter Cecily sweeping out toward the entrance hall. They were leaving and not a moment too soon in his opinion. Arabella followed after, speaking quickly to a few women of her acquaintance on her way out. She didn’t notice his return.
    He glanced over the room but found his view no different than earlier in the evening. Lady Mary held court with several gentlemen all trying to gain her favor. Since he was not inclined to take the part of a fool to acquire a wife, he stayed where he was. Unfortunately, none of his other possibilities were here. Perhaps it was time to move on to another party in his endless search for the right spouse.
    Although, after kissing Arabella, he had to conclude his heart was no longer as keen on the

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