An Heir At Any Price: The Billionaire's Obsession - Contemporary Romance
“Is Snowflake doing okay?” he asked.
    “She’s perfect,” I said. He
    “I think she would be happy to hear
it. Are you having fun, Holly?”
    “This is, amazing. Thank
    “Good,” he said. “It’s a great day for
a ride, the weather is just right. We’re going to cross a creek in
just a few feet. I know you haven’t ridden in a long time, and I
don’t know if you did much water crossing in the past. So, try to
relax and just let Snowflake take you. The reigns only confuse her
when she’s crossing a water bed of any kind.”
    “Okay,” I told him. When we got to the
little narrow creek I did what Aiden said and the horse crossed
smoothly. The water was beautiful, clear all the way to the rocky
bottom. The rocks had been smoothed into rounded pebbles from years
of the water brushing over them.
    Once on the other side, the trail in
front of us was wide and looked to be smooth.
    “You want to trot them for a bit?” he
asked me.
    “Yeah,” I said with a huge
    “Good, the rest of the trail up to the
meadow is gentle enough to trot most of the way.” He clicked his
tongue at his horse and took off at a slow trot and I did the same.
This part of the trail was surrounded by gorgeous Higan cherry
trees. They bloom in the fall so they were covered with fragrant
deep pink flowers and on some of them I could also see clumps of
black cherries. I don’t even know why I knew so much about them, I
had just always found them beautiful. Being on the trail at this
point was like being enclosed in an aromatic greenhouse.
    I followed Aiden, continuing to marvel
at the beauty around me for a few miles before we came to a
junction in the trail. To the left was another creek and to the
right was a stunning lush, green meadow. Aiden reigned in his horse
and I did the same.
    “It’s all so beautiful,” I told him.
“Beautiful doesn’t even really describe it, it’s more like
    “It is yes, I ride up here as often as
I can. It’s good for the soul, I think. It makes me feel close to
the earth, and when I get up here I feel at peace. It’s not a
feeling that comes easily in the city. I’d take you out across the
meadow but this time of year it gets a little boggy from all the
rain. I wouldn’t want our horses getting stuck.”
    “Oh well, it’s still lovely to look
at,” I told him. We started back up the trail once more, we were
climbing, but at such a gentle angle it was barely noticeable. When
we reached a peak, Aiden stopped once more.
    “Come closer and take a look.” I did,
and what I saw literally took my breath away. Below us was another
meadow, but this one was covered in a lush carpet of colorful wild
flowers. I could see the faint outline of the city in the distance
and if it would have been green I would have thought I was on the
path to the Emerald City. The creek that we’d crossed earlier
looked like a big snake as it wound along below us. After I got an
eyeful of all of that, he led me around a ridge and from there we
had a view of what looked like a deep valley. It was fenced off
with bright white fences and everywhere you looked, horses and
cattle could be seen grazing. They looked peaceful. In the center
of all of that sat a huge white three story home. The side of the
house that faced our direction at the moment had windows that rose
from ground to ceiling and it was easy to see that it would afford
anyone sitting inside a front row seat to every morning’s sunrise.
I couldn’t even imagine having a life like that.
    “Is that where you live?” I
asked him. In that gorgeous, fairy tale
house, Prince Charming.
    “That’s my main residence, yes,” he
said. “It’s my favorite.”
    “Your favorite? You have
more than one home?” Another thing that I
cannot imagine.
    He smiled and said, “Yes, I have
three. I have a penthouse apartment in the city, this one and a

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