And Those Who Trespass Against Us

Read And Those Who Trespass Against Us for Free Online

Book: Read And Those Who Trespass Against Us for Free Online
Authors: Helen M MacPherson
Tags: Drama, Fiction, General, Gay
felt comfortable with?
    Catriona placed a plate with a mound of eggs, bacon and tomatoes in front of Katherine and slid another across the table to her own place. "I hope you're hungry. Alexander and I usually only have two big meals a day--breakfast and dinner."
    Katherine blinked and she looked up at Catriona. "Thank you. I am quite hungry."
    Catriona lifted the hot fry pan off the top of the wood oven. Out of the corner of her eye she realised Katherine was waiting for her to take her place at the table. "Don't let your food get cold. Please go ahead."
    "I was waiting for you to sit down so I could bless the meal."
    "Then I suggest you start eating now. Since the death of my parents, I've never had my meals blessed, nor have I entered a church. I am one lost soul you'll never retrieve, Sister ."
    "So be it. I'll bless my own," Katherine said while Catriona continued to clean up the breakfast mess she'd made.
    Silence hung between the two as they ate. Taking the opportunity the silence presented, Catriona surreptitiously viewed Katherine. Her face sported a scant sprinkling of freckles, the supposed bane of every good lady. Her brown, curly hair was cropped in a manner normally associated with women in religious orders. By the looks of her face and given where she's come from, she can't be more than twenty-five or twenty-six, Catriona thought. If she wants to maintain such a complexion then she's going to have to find something more to protect her than her veil and wimple. And who cut her hair? I could've done a better job with a pair of sheep shears. The most amazing thing about her though is her eyes. They look like the deep green emeralds my mother used to wear on special occasions.
    Catriona realised she'd been caught staring and gulped down the last of the mouthful she'd been chewing for the past minute. "How's your breakfast?"
    "It's fine, thank you. You're quite a good cook. Unfortunately, I've never been able to master the art of cooking. The nuns who trained me found this out early in my training and ensured I was never relegated to kitchen duties. Mind you, it did take one meal for them to realise this." Katherine placed her knife and fork beside the plate. "I'm sorry for my reaction earlier. I didn't allow you to finish the rest of your story. How did Father Cleary react to the news about your brother and Sister Coreen?"
    "At the beginning he was all thee's and thou's, fire and brimstone, as you were a moment ago. He warned Coreen against the dire consequences of divorcing the church to marry a man. When he finally saw them together he realised their relationship wasn't just a stage in Coreen's life. Under the auspices of his own church, he couldn't condone the union. However, he did advise the two of them. He advised Coreen she shouldn't rush into such a marriage, no matter how right it felt. He asked her to wait until you arrived and she could discuss the consequences with you. His advice to Alexander was to find a church and priest willing to marry them. I know Alexander found this hard to accept, but decided to go along with the father's decision. In fact that's where he is now, attempting to find a priest.
    "Don't get me wrong. He's not desperately scouring the countryside. If they couldn't find someone local, then they intended to go to Sydney and get married. Once they were married, it wouldn't matter what the people thought. And, truth be told, it certainly wouldn't have bothered them."
    "I don't know what the father expected me to do. It's very likely Coreen wouldn't have listened to me anyway. Besides, what business of mine would it have been to come all this way and stop her from marrying your brother? I'm sorry for my abruptness earlier, especially given how you must be feeling about the loss. Have you given much thought to what you propose to tell your brother when he returns?"
    "I haven't, and I'm not exactly sure when he'll be home. Hopefully between now and then I'll come up with some way to break

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