Animal Secrets: A Paranormal Romance (The Animal Sagas)

Read Animal Secrets: A Paranormal Romance (The Animal Sagas) for Free Online

Book: Read Animal Secrets: A Paranormal Romance (The Animal Sagas) for Free Online
Authors: Susan G. Charles
curse that would end it. Or, if you killed the witch who created the curse, that it would end it.”
    “So let’s just kill the old hag,” Clay said.
    “Well, that’s easier said than done. First we have to find her.” Ben offered.
    “If we could just break her wand and end the curse, that would be fine by me. I don’t like the idea of anyone else dying,” said Lynda to Ben.
    “Me too,” said Sonya. “If we can just break the wand and end it, let’s do that.”
    “Well, we hope that will work, but for now we just don’t know. These ideas are all just speculation right now. I don’t like the thought of killing another person either unless they threaten my family or pack – then that is something completely different.” Ben added.
    “So we have to find her first to try out these ideas,” Clay said. “Did the old man have any ideas there?”
    “Actually the old mans wife told me that too.” Ben added, “She was a funny character to say the least. She said that normally a witches house is impossible to find unless the witch wants you to find it. But on the night of any blue moon the witches magic is weakest and her home is visible to anyone of a paranormal nature. Regular people still can’t see her home, but you all and I, yes, we should all be able to see it just fine.”
    “But even if we find her, what happens if we break her wand and that doesn’t work? How do we find her again? Blue moons only happen every 2 or 3 years!”, Lynda said stating the obvious.
    Ben went on, “Well, the old couple did tell me another important fact too – that if we wanted to ever find her again, assuming this all works in the first place, is that we need to make sure that we keep something personal of hers whenever we do find her house. You know, like a hairbrush, or a piece of clothing or something like that. As long as we have a personal possession of hers in our property then we can find her any time that we want.”
    “That is fantastic – assuming it’s correct.”  Sonya said.
    “Well, at this point what have we got to lose? That is certainly more information than we knew a few hours ago. At least now we have something to try,” Clay spurted out, clearly excited to have something new to do.
    “I agree, Clay, and with the scent from that piece of fabric we already have, we will know instantly if we have found the right witch or not,” Ben concluded.
    “Assuming this really works,” Lynda uttered.
    “Yes, assuming this really works.” Ben agreed. “But at this point it’s a start. And it is the best thing we have. So, now all we need to do is find out when the next blue moon is. Clay, will you summon Mistress Harlayne? I’m sure she can help us figure that out right away.”
    “On  my way – be back with her in just a few minutes.” And with that statement, Clay was out the door – long gone before the door hand even finished closing.
    “So, what do you girls think? What do you both think we need to do – are we missing anything? Is there anything else you think that we need to be doing?” Ben asked them both.
    “Well, we never got anyone on the phone – no real surprise there.” Sonya stated. “So the information you guys have found is all we have to go on right now. I think we should definitely see where it leads us.”
    “Yes,” Lynda agreed, “but there are still a few people we haven’t tried yet in mom’s old address book. I think we should make sure we try them all at least once – and maybe even twice just to make sure we don’t miss speaking to someone that we might have missed otherwise. Just as a backup plan you know.”
    Ben agreed. “I think that is a good idea. We might just luck up and find someone – who knows. I know you two are tired, so if you don’t mind I can get some other members of the pack to cover that job and the two of you can help me in figuring out what the next move is. I value your input and I want you to both there in the decision making

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