
Read Appointed for Free Online

Book: Read Appointed for Free Online
Authors: J. F. Jenkins
girlfriend. After all, Anj was the one who should be dating the Divine girl, not him. So Zes spent most of his time over the next day in the basement with his video games, and Jewl was by his side. She made for a good partner, but it was a bonding experience he’d rather be sharing with Cheyenne. Yet saying no to his mother was hard. Anj had some kind of plan, per usual, and it was to appease the woman until Christmas Eve night.
    When it came to holidays, Zes loved Christmas the most. All of the relatives came over, but he also got to spend time with his mother, and he felt rewarded for all of the work he put into the house. He was reminded that he was worthwhile. It was silly but important to have, all the same.
    Christmas Eve came a lot faster than he expected. The doorbell rang, and he ran up the stairs to answer it, leaving Jewl behind to save their game and turn off the console system.
    â€œGrandma!” He gave the sixty-year-old African American woman a huge hug, and then did the same to the older African American man standing next to her.
    His grandmother stroked his dark hair and played with the small satyr horns hidden in it before kissing his forehead. “You are such a man now, even more so than at Thanksgiving. Will you ever stop growing up?”
    Zes laughed, feeling his cheeks get a little hot, because he was more of a man since Thanksgiving. Not something he wanted to broadcast, though. “Come on in. I’ll take your coats.”
    While he hung up everyone’s winter wear, Anj stood and waved everyone into the living room to get comfortable. Both grandparents gave him hugs and kisses as well before greeting Cheyenne, who was sitting on the couch. Jewl had come upstairs by now and also sat down on the couch. The festivities would begin soon. Zes could tell Cheyenne was nervous, so he gave her an encouraging smile. She’d already won the family over during Thanksgiving break, so he wasn’t quite sure why she was shifting so anxiously where she sat.
    â€œZes, can you please go to the kitchen to work on dinner?” his mother asked.
    â€œSure thing.” He smiled although he couldn’t help but be disappointed. Christmas Eve dinner was always one of his duties. In the morning, Anj would help their mother with breakfast. That was how they divided up the cooking for the holiday.
    Zes did most of the cooking in the house, period. Somehow he’d inherited his mother’s natural ability to work around the kitchen. He could make just about anything he had a recipe for, which was not a talent Anj had been given. Not that his brother was bad, but his culinary skills were limited because their mother had a tendency to hold him back so much.
    Zes went into the kitchen, not interrupting his brother, who was busy telling some kind of a story. He didn’t want to leave Cheyenne alone, but otherwise, he didn’t care too much. His extended family gave him a lot of attention, and he loved them for it, but sometimes he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. Unlike his brother, Zes didn’t enjoy being in the spotlight. Getting away to put the final touches on dinner was a good thing.
    â€œWant some help?” Cheyenne asked softly, and touched his arm with her hand, startling him. She’d slipped in quietly without him noticing.
    â€œI think I’ve got a handle on everything. There isn’t a whole lot to do outside of use my magic touch,” he teased, and wiggled his fingers at her. “But I wouldn’t mind the company. I know you don’t do too well with strangers.”
    â€œThanks,” she said, and watched as he stirred a pot, turned down the stove, and then checked on everything in the oven. The way she played with her hands in front of her suggested something was on her mind.
    Glancing over his shoulder at her with a smile, he made eye contact. “Yes?”
    â€œNo, it’s nothing. Not my business.” She shook her

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