Avis Blackthorn: Is Not an Evil Wizard!

Read Avis Blackthorn: Is Not an Evil Wizard! for Free Online

Book: Read Avis Blackthorn: Is Not an Evil Wizard! for Free Online
Authors: Jack Simmonds
Tags: Harry Potter, magic school, wizard school
Ashamed of myself that I should have screamed out loud because of a
ghost. We had loads at home.
    “Such rudeness!” The ghost cried fleeing
through the wall, dropping the chamber pot with a crash (thank
goodness it was empty).
    Well, no one told me about ghosts working at
the school. As I tried to get back to sleep again, my poor heart
hammering in my chest, I could hear Jake and Simon still laughing
to each other.

The Lost Channeller
    It wasn’t long before we were all awake. I
woke when I heard the bedroom door creak open. Through the curtains
I could see it was still dark outside. But now someone with a gas
lamp was creeping inside.
    “Good morning…” said the voice softly. I
pretended to still be asleep. “Boys? Boys ?”
    No one stirred, the man sighed softly. “Oh
well…” He clicked his fingers and a second later an ear splitting BONG! erupted across the room. There were a few thuds as
Hunter and Graham fell out of bed. It shocked me too and I was
already awake!
    As my eyes adjusted to the small light, I saw
a man dressed in a browny-green tweed suit, with a strange
triangular hat, large round glasses, and a soft demeanour.
    “Up we get boys, up we get…” He began to walk
around the room slowly. “My name is Magisteer Partington and I am
your new form tutor. Now, get dressed, as we will go and get the
girls up and then go for a walk. I’ll be outside in the hallway,
you have three minutes.”
    As he shut the door, fire in brackets started
to light up around the room, casting a warm, cosy orange glow. I
hopped out of bed and pulled some clothes out of my wardrobe.
Hunter was still so sleepy he put his trousers on back to front. We
all joined Magisteer Partington in the hallway outside.
    “Ah well done boys, two minutes and
fifty-four seconds. Right, lets go and get the girls up.” As we
followed him along the corridors, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.
Fire in brackets popped on as we walked, lighting the hallways a
fiery orange. I wondered what time it was. It had to be early.
    None of us were sure why our new form tutor
had chosen to take us out now, for none of the other new years were
up, we heard them snoring as we passed.
    After waiting nearly five minutes for the
girl’s, they finally emerged looking bleary eyed and confused.
Magisteer Partington took us down a long winding staircase to the
main hall, where he stopped and turned. In the new light I saw he
had a face like an owl. A long beaky nose with round spectacles and
a thin, almost non-existent mouth.
    “Now, I do this every year, take my new form
on an explore of the school, then we will go and have breakfast in
our classroom.” he pushed the door wide and stepped out into the
dark morning.
    I mean, this could have been anyone, how did
we know this was our form tutor?
    We walked along this tiny stone path around
the school grounds. After a few minutes Simon sidled up to me and
muttered. “That was you getting scared by the chamber pot ghost
wasn’t it?” I nodded stiffly, hoping no one else heard. Simon just
sort of laughed. What was he getting at?
    “I thought you Blackthorns were supposed to
be… I dunno… hard .”
    “Yeah well, took me by surprise.” I wanted to
say something clever, but couldn't. It was too early. Simon
sneered, clearly he thought he was better than me, just because he
wasn’t scared by a ghost.
    Magisteer Partington breathed in the cool
morning air. “Ahh, I love early mornings, the quiet, the serene
beauty. When it gets warmer, we will be able to do some lessons
outside.” He said, then jumped as a small tree nearest him
stretched, yawning wide.
    We walked all the way around the huge school
grounds. Robin was counting the windows under his breath, I don’t
know why. As the sun started rising, Dawn began speaking. How
strange, that Dawn should come alive at dawn.
    “Oh wow, there’s a huge greenhouse. What do
we do in there, Magisteer Partyton?”
    “Well, Magical

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