Bear it All

Read Bear it All for Free Online

Book: Read Bear it All for Free Online
Authors: Gracie Meadows
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Erotic, menage
She blinked because she didn’t think she made it that obvious.
    “Something like that. Look, I am known as the loner, that’s all. People can talk.”
    Greyson knew her worries, and he had that already covered. Sam was now home working on background information on her and her family: birth records, death certificates, wills, everything to do with her. He didn’t want her to know, but he had no problem using that information to help gain her trust and to remove this Billy.
    “Look, Cece, its okay. It’s the middle of the day. I parked far enough away that not many eyes will be looking this way.” He watched her as she looked around and seemed to realize what he had done. “But I did bring some food. It’s simple, but I figured since you didn’t eat breakfast that you would be hungry. I picked up some fried chicken, potato salad, green beans, and for desert, honey buns.” Okay, so maybe he wasn’t really thinking about her too much with the honey buns as his bear growled at the possibility. But her giggle was worth it.
    “Honey buns, huh, let me guess, your bear got hungry.” She giggled again.
    “That is such a nice sound. I think it has become my favorite sound now.” This time she blushed and he smiled. Damn, she was easy to make happy, at least with food and jokes. He pulled out some plastic plates and helped dish her up, then handed her a soda. He would love to have had a beer, but right now, he wanted to be on full alert with her.
    “This was nice, Greyson, thank you.” She took a bite of chicken and the juice ran down her chin as she moaned. Suddenly something as normal as eating turned into a whole new game. His cock started to make an appearance, wanting to claim his mate right there, right then. Clearing his throat, she looked at him when he handed her a napkin. He figured she might freak a little if he licked her clean.
    “Oh, sorry. Fried foods are a weakness of mine. I don’t have them very much, but when I do, I tend to forget everything around me.” He could only just nod when he took a bite of his food. She was right, the chicken was great. They both ate in silence until he had eaten two pieces of chicken.
    “I have just got to say your library is set up weird.” Crap, way to go, idiot. He didn’t intent to blurt that out like that.
    “It is? How so?” He watched her cock her head to the side waiting for him to explain.
    “Well, I say how you have your educational books, and medical journals located in the back of the store and the children’s books in the front. It would be easier if the kid’s book were in the back with a small reading area, and leave the front for journals and such. At least that’s what I think it should be set up like.” He knew what she was thinking as he mouth hung open. “What did you think, I was just a comic book, He-Man type of person? I may be big, but let me just say that it’s because I’m a bear. Second, I like to read, a lot in fact. So does Sam, we are closet nerds, and please don’t tell anyone, because it would totally ruin our reps,” he said as he playfully puffed out his chest.
    Cece let out a full-blown laugh, “Okay that is funny, but I never judge a book by its cover. With my crazy friends, I have learned better. Did you surprise me, yes, actually you did, but it was a nice surprise.” She looked at her watch before talking. “Crap I have five minutes left. Thanks for lunch, but I have to get back to work.”
    “What time do you get off?”
    “Huh, oh, I get off about five.”
    “Good, I’ll pick you up.” He watched her hesitate before she nodded and headed in. He went to walk her back in, but she seemed to practically run. Cleaning up the mess from lunch, he saw her trusting him more, and he planned to head home to find out what Sam found before they both returned to pick her up.
    “What do you mean it’s not her brother?” Grey said as he looked at the information that he had found out about her.
    “Well, it

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