Bear Treble (Highland Brothers 4)
room, staring at the flames raging through the fireplace. There was more to Layla Love than he had realized. He had written her off as a spoiled diva. But he had been wrong. She could write. She could sing. And damn she could kiss. He had to get her out of here.
    He threw another log on the fire, his ears twitching every time the wood hissed and popped.
    Every second with her was exquisite torture. His bear was hungry for her, no matter what the man in him wanted. He refused to give in to the animal. Man or bear—she wasn’t the kind of woman he could have relationship with. She toured the world. She was recognized everywhere she traveled. He doubted she could hit a mall or grocery store without an entourage to keep the fans off her. Hell, she hadn’t even driven herself to Highland House.
    So she could make pancakes? He knew that wasn’t normal life for her. She didn’t drive. She didn’t run to the coffee shop. Her life was managed in every way possible, down to the boots that she wore. That managed life included her career and this album.
    Layla could tell him she was in charge. She was the boss, but he knew enough artists to know she belonged to the business. She belonged to the fans. To the music. To the contracts. To the label. She was about as free as his bear.
    He glared at the fire. She would never be his. She couldn’t be.
    He heard her boots clack against the hardwood. “Hey, I thought you might come back out. You know we aren’t finished.”
    His hand rested on the mantle. “I was thinking you could call Hal to come pick you up.”
    The hurt look on her face almost made him double over. He didn’t expect the jab to his gut.
    “You really want me to leave?” she asked.
    “I don’t know if we can keep working together. We’ve made a dent in your tracks. I’ll finish it by tomorrow. I’ll get everything sent to you. You don’t have to worry about me coming through. I won’t let you down.”
    “Did it bother you that much?”
    “The kiss. Is that what this is about?”
    There was more truth in the question than she knew. “I don’t get involved with clients. I shouldn’t have let that happen.”
    She walked closer, her heels hitting the floor harder with each step as if she was trying to let him know how close they were to each other.
    “It’s a good thing I don’t have a policy like that.” She smiled. Damn she had a beautiful smile. The way her lips turned at the corners drove him crazy, especially now since he knew how they felt between his teeth.
    “I’m serious. It’s not a good idea for us to get involved. I have a reputation to maintain, Layla.”
    She straightened her back, shifting slightly on her left heel. “And I don’t?” He saw the fire in her eyes.
    “I wasn’t trying to imply…”
    She held up her hand. “You don’t have to say anything else. We’ll keep it professional.”
    His eyebrows rose. “You’re not going to fight me on it? Or fire me?”
    She shrugged her shoulders. “Why would I? Just thought we could have some fun while we’re here. What difference does it make to me as long as I leave with the songs?”
    He studied her. Her words said one thing, but her body language said something completely different—so did that kiss.
    He had a moment when he could tell her she was wrong. It wasn’t just fun for him. It meant something. Being with her altered his entire life. It bore under his skin, needling its way into his blood. But that would mean admitting to his bear that he wanted her. It would mean giving in to the beast.
    “Where are you going now?” Layla stood with her hands on her hips.
    “We need more wood.” He barged past her.
    “But you just cut all of that.”
    He didn’t care. He had to get away from her.
    He closed the door, rushing toward the woodshed. He could feel the fur beneath his skin aching to emerge. It took everything he had to control his bear. He was starting to worry he didn’t have enough

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