Bearly In Control
kind of look that only a guy who grew up with butlers could give.
    “Only an elementary school education Grace?” he asked, snorting out a laugh before he took a sip of his scotch. Grace could smell it on his breath.
    Madison leaned in, “Really?” she asked, with a devilish smile on her face.
    Samantha and Britney leaned in, unable to hear over the music. “What did he say?”
    “I went to Harvard,” Devon said, the edges of his voice starting to slur.
    “I guess they didn’t have any classes on how not to be a douchebag?”
    He snorted a laugh. “You’re allowed to be a douchebag when you make seven figures a year.”
    Ugh . The attitude of her Dad’s social circles summed up into one line. He didn’t mention how it was at his father’s company.
    “Aren’t you a little too old to be rebelling against your Dad?” Madison asked.
    “I’m not rebelling,” Grace said, already on the defense. “I think I l-” No. It was too soon for love. Was it?
    “I really like him,” Grace said, fidgeting with her hands.
    Madison sipped on her champagne. “I would really like him too with those looks.”
    Grace shook her head. “It’s not that.” A naked Edwin, walking around the campfire, cooking a fish that he caught with his bare hands flashed into her mind. It’s not just that.
    “He lives in the moment,” Grace explained. “He’s happy with nothing. He does what he wants. He lives his life so wild, so free.” She looked at her fidgeting hands in her lap. “I wish I had the courage to live life like that.”
    Devon slid his heavy arm around her, his sweaty skin sticking to her shoulders. She squirmed under his unwelcome touch.
    “I know you like to play the difficult, rich girl role,” he said, leaning into her ear. “But your looks are going to fade and I won’t be interested anymore. This is your last chance to hook up with me.”
    “Wow,” she said, wiping the spit off her cheek. “That’s so romantic.”
    “Cut the shit,” he said. “My Dad owns three companies and he’s a Senator.”
    Grace crawled out from under his nauseating touch. “I already have one too many Senators in my family.”
    She stood up from the couch. Edwin still wasn’t back and she was getting worried. Plus she didn’t want to spend one more second with these people when she could be spending it with him.
    “I can’t believe you’re choosing him when you can have me,” Devon said, taking a sip of his empty glass. “He’s out of our class.”
    Grace whipped around, her cheeks hot. “At least he has class.”
    She looked at the girls snickering on the sofa. “I can’t believe you guys wrote him off just because he didn’t go to a fancy college.” She shook her head. “Don’t call me anymore.”
    She stormed down the steps into the crowd. A hand grabbed her elbow. She turned ready to throw a roundhouse to Devon’s silver-spooned mouth. It was Madison.
    “I’m sorry,” Madison said. “That didn’t come out right.”
    Grace bit her lip.
    Madison pulled her to the nearest wall, where they could hear each other better. “It’s just, we’re worried about you. You’re approaching your mid-thirties. It’s time to stop your fling and settle down.”
    This from a girl who gave a hand job to a bartender in a stockroom two weeks ago.
    “Your Dad is going to be running for President,” Madison continued. “You need to set the right image.”
    Grace slammed her drink onto a nearby shelf. “I’m so sick of hearing that. When do I get to live my life for me and not for my father? When do I get to make life decisions for me? When do I get to be happy and not have to follow a path that fits into my father’s career aspirations?”
    “Is this about your art school again?” Madison asked. “Painters don’t make any money.”
    “It’s about me getting to live my life the way I want to,” Grace snapped. She shook her head. “I’m so sick of it.”
    Madison touched Grace’s arm. “If your Dad becomes

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