Bedded Bliss (Found in Oblivion Book 1)

Read Bedded Bliss (Found in Oblivion Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Bedded Bliss (Found in Oblivion Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott
so many questions. Just when she thought their lives were turning around, he went and died on her. He’d left her alone again, this time with a little person who counted on her for everything.
    “Okay, we need to book time in the spas.”
    Chloe dabbed at her eyes and turned to Jinx. She had two brochures in each hand. Each place looked more expensive than the last. “Did you gain a sugar daddy that I’m not aware of?”
    Jinx leaped onto the bed closest to the window. “Live a little.”
    “I have to live within a budget.”
    “Actually, no, you don’t.” Ivy waved a card propped on the six-foot-long bureau. She tucked her honey-blond hair behind her ear before clearing her throat. “ Enjoy yourselves and don’t think about money. The tab is on me. Nick.”
    Chloe crossed the room to snatch the note out of Ivy’s hand. “No way.”
    Ivy cocked her hip and grinned, her dimples winking. “Yes, way.”
    Jinx crowed. “Yes! Salon, spa, and shopping!”
    “No. We are not taking advantage of Nick’s generosity.”
    “Hell yes, we are.” Jinx bounced off the bed. “When the hell are we going to get the opportunity to be spoiled like this again?”
    “This is being spoiled.” Chloe whirled, arms out. “This room is us being spoiled.”
    Jinx came up in front of her and gripped her shoulders. “Anything we spend is a thumbnail of a fraction of what rockstars spend on their own.”
    Chloe’s stomach flipped. “You don’t know Nick. He’s frugal. A penny-pincher even. There’s no way he would give me an unlimited spending account.”
    Ivy lifted a notepad off the dresser. “Funny, that’s what this says. Charge everything to your room number, that’s an order. ”
    Chloe shook her head. “You’re just making that up.”
    Jinx swiped the paper out of her sister’s hand before Chloe could. “Looks like a dude’s handwriting to me.”
    “Would you guys stop being so fucking grabby,” Ivy groused.
    Jinx shoved the paper at her. Sure enough, it looked like Nick’s handwriting. She was used to it. He sent her a check every damn month, even when she asked him to stop helping them.
    Even though she needed every damn penny to keep her head above water. She hated taking it. Hated cashing the check every month. She only used the money for things for Axl and socked away the extra for the future. For her not-such-a-baby’s future.
    She was determined to make a good life for him. A life like she’d never had as a child. The daughter of a crackwhore mother and an alcoholic father had not been an ideal start in life.
    Her father may have come around to begin the process of father of the year, but her mother never had. She’d split long ago, no forwarding address, no letters of remorse.
    Another person who had just up and disappeared in her life. Her mother could be dead for all she knew.
    She so couldn’t drink. It always made her sad. At least if she stopped drinking. Right now all she had was a headache and a whole lot of confusion.
    Jinx pushed her toward the bathroom. “Get cleaned up. We’re finding our way down to the spa on…” She raced around to the bed she’d left the pamphlets on. “If we’re going all out, then we’re going to floor thirty-six. The Golden Dragon.” She grinned. “I’m getting everything waxed. This chick is getting laid.”
    Chloe escaped to the bathroom. “Holy crap.” The room was all marble and shine, with a tub, a separate shower, and a sink big enough to give her kid a bath in.
    Even the toilet was locked away from the perfection of the room.
    “Unbelievable.” She dropped onto the edge of the tub and pulled out her phone. She flicked her phone awake and shot off a text to Nick.

    C A : Are you sure? Were you delusional when you wrote that note? It’s too much.

    T he little bubbles on her screen came up right away.

    N C : I’ve been waiting for this text. Yes. Have fun. Pretend you’re Princess Chloe for three days. Don’t fucking argue with me.

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