Before the Dawn (Truly Yours Digital Editions)

Read Before the Dawn (Truly Yours Digital Editions) for Free Online

Book: Read Before the Dawn (Truly Yours Digital Editions) for Free Online
Authors: Erica Vetsch
Mrs. Morgan, just the coffee. Has Mother been in to talk to the staff?”
    She hesitated. “Yes. She came in and had a few words with Buckford and myself and Sally Ann.”
    “And what did my formidable mother say?”
    “Well, now. . .”
    “It’s all right, Mrs. Morgan. Just tell it straight.”
    He pictured the comfortably upholstered Mrs. Morgan crossing her short arms under her considerable bosom and tilting her head before speaking. “She said no more trays in the study and no more coddling. She said you wouldn’t learn to live in this house without your sight unless we made you, and no matter how hard it seemed, or how you might fight us, we weren’t to give in.”
    He pursed his lips. “No quarter given, eh?”
    “That’s right, sir. Buckford said we had to be obeying the missus, and he told Sally Ann he’d take care of your room from now on himself. Here’s your coffee. You sure you won’t have a bite to eat?”
    “No, thank you. I couldn’t eat a thing right now. Maybe later.”
    She harrumphed.
    He couldn’t seem to please anyone in this house today.
    “The lawyer has returned, and David is waiting with him in the dining room.” Buckford’s eyes held a note of laughter. Not much escaped his knowledge in the Mackenzie abode. Karen had no doubt he was fully aware of the pending lawsuit.
    She nodded and braced her shoulders for the coming battle. Her resolve must not waver.
    “Gentlemen.” She lifted her eyebrows in a silent question to her lawyer as she entered.
    Both men rose and David cleared his throat. “Karen, we need to talk.” He had shaved and dressed in clean clothes, as if preparing to do battle. At least she’d gotten him to do that much.
    “Of course.”
    Mr. Fuller held a chair for her and then seated himself at the end of the table.
    Karen smoothed her skirts and forced her hands to relax in her lap. “Please, sit down, David.”
    Tiredness etched his pale face. The lingering signs of pain and illness clung to him, but he held himself erect, as if he had no intention of giving in to weakness.
    Forcing himself to be strong all alone broke her heart while at the same time brought out her fighting side. He had made the choice to separate himself, pushing everyone away. And why?
    David released a slow breath. “I’m sure you’ll agree it would be in everyone’s best interest to reach a settlement outside the courts.”
    Karen kept her voice even. “It would be in everyone’s best interest if the wedding went ahead as planned.”
    Fuller smoothed his whiskers and laced his fingers together, bracing his weight on his forearms. “We would be interested in hearing your proposed settlement, but rest assured, David, we will not be easily satisfied. You’ve done grievous harm to my client, and we are seeking due compensation.”
    “Your client? Use her name, Josiah. We’re all friends here. Or at least we used to be.” A whisper of regret clung to his words. He pressed his lips together and placed his hands flat on the table. “I am a fair man. I realize Karen’s life has been disrupted by all of this. I’m not averse to compensating her for her troubles.”
    Compensate her for her troubles? He made her sound like one of his employees. “Just how much would you deem suitable?” Karen leaned forward, ignoring the damping motions from her lawyer. “I don’t want your money, David. I want your heart.” She twisted the garnet on her finger, the ring she hadn’t removed since the night he placed it there. “You said I would always have your heart, but you’ve taken it back and pushed me aside. I put my future in your hands, and you’ve dropped it like an old teacup. I’m trying to pick up the broken pieces. I’ve got no job, no home, and no future.” She rose and put both palms on the table, leaning forward. “Open the door on that self-imposed prison of pride you’re locked in and think of someone besides yourself for a moment.”
    David flinched but

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