Bending the Rules

Read Bending the Rules for Free Online

Book: Read Bending the Rules for Free Online
Authors: Ali Parker
so good, and Dana... he's a Scorpio. You know what that means."
    "He stings like a bitch?"
    "No, silly. He's fantastic in bed and a beast at the office."
    "You know that's not all there is to life, right?"
    "At my age that is." She stuck out her tongue.
    I started to respond, but decided against it. Thank God my phone buzzed on the table next to me. Kendal.
    "It's Kendal." I picked up the phone and stood, feeling a little lightheaded at the idea of getting to talk with him again. "I'll be right back."
    "I'm eating the rest of your yogurt."
    "Go for it." I pressed the phone to my ear as excitement mixed with nerves in my stomach. I hadn't talked to Kendal or seen him since dropping him off at home from Mandy's funeral on Saturday. "Hello?"
    "Yeah. Who's this?" I rolled my eyes. Surely he would know that I knew it was him. How freaking childish.
    "It's Kendal. Is now a good time?"
    "Yep." I leaned against the railing and let my eyes move across the various groups of people walking in and out of overpriced stores.
    "I wanted to start by apologizing for Saturday. I was a little out of it."
    "It's totally understandable, Kendal." I softened immediately. "Don't apologize. I'm good with us being friends."
    Lies. All lies.
    "Good, I'm glad to hear that, but I don't want the conversation to end there."
    "Okay, so let's continue it then." I moved back from the railing and pressed my hand to my chest, hoping to slow my racing heart.
    "Come over tonight for dinner."
    I glanced around as if someone were watching me. "You sure? I know you wanted to keep a low profile between us."
    "Yes. I'm more than sure, Dana. Come over and let's figure this out."
    "Okay. What time do you want me?"
    "All the time?"
    I smiled, unable to help myself. "At least I'm not completely alone in this."
    "Not at all. Come over at six and we can cook dinner and talk."
    "Just talk?" I pressed my teeth into my lip. How did I go from wanting to protect myself to wanting to hear that he needed me as badly as I needed him?
    He chuckled. "I'll see you at six."
    I dropped the call and pressed the phone to my chest as excitement raced through me. Suddenly shopping all afternoon with Jackie didn't sound like much fun. I wanted to get home so I could take a shower and shave my legs. It might just be a friendly date where we could discuss if there was a future for us, but I wanted to be prepared for anything.
    Kendal was proper when it suited him to be. Something told me tonight wasn't one of those times.
    I sat in my car outside of Kendal's house for a good five minutes before I worked up the courage to get out of the car. How awkward was the night going to end up being?
    Glancing down, I ran my hands over the front of my cream-colored summer dress and finally forced myself to get out of the car. The dress was a little more fitted than I'd usually wear, and honestly made me feel chunky.
    "Why the hell did I wear this stupid thing?" I knocked on his door as a million excuses worked through my mind. I needed to go home, get in my pjs and pile up. The night was sure to be nothing more than an extension from Saturday. I'd been friend-zoned before we'd even gotten our relationship off the ground.
    Kendal opened the door. "Hey there. I'm glad you decided to get out of the car. I was wondering about you."
    I pressed my hand to my face and breathed in deeply. "Really? You weren't supposed to see that."
    "I'll pretend like I didn't." He moved back. "Come on in and make yourself at home."
    The fitted white tee he wore tucked into a pair of tattered low-waist jeans looked damn good on him. His hair was a bit disheveled as if he'd run his fingers through it a million times. His deep green eyes were locked on me behind a thick pair of black glasses that made him look far too cute for his own good.
    I breathed in deeply and moved toward the living room, stopping only to kick my sandals off. If we were just playing friends, then I needed to get myself in the right frame

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